- San Francisco, CA
- 7h behind - http://luke.francl.org
- @lof
- in/lukefrancl
clojure-bayesian-classifier Public archive
Port of Python code from Programming Collective Intelligence to Clojure 1.1 circa November 2009.
swiftype-integration-demo Public archive
A sample Rails 3 app that pushes updates to Swiftype for search
ssl-http-basic Public archive
Example app that shows how to use Rack::SSL and Rack::Auth::Basic to forward all requests to SSL, then password protect them.
fixie Public archive
Simplifies the population of test databases with validated records, and lets you refer to the records in tests like fixtures.
gaetestbed Public archive
Forked from jgeewax/gaetestbedA suite of base test cases that simplify automated testing for App Engine applications.
jquery.placeholder Public archive
Forked from rociiu/jquery.placeholdera simple jquery plugin for placeholder use
passenger-stack Public archive
Forked from benschwarz/passenger-stackSprinkles for Apache, Passenger, Memcached, Git, Mysql or Postgres
xss_terminate Public archive
xss_terminate is a plugin in that makes stripping and sanitizing HTML stupid-simple. Install and forget. And forget about forgetting to h() your output, because you won‘t need to anymore.
Pocket-To-Do Public
Forked from windsurfer/Pocket-To-DoAn SVG that is meant to be printed. Fold it up and it acts like a weekly organizer.
octopi Public archive
Forked from fcoury/octopiA Ruby interface to GitHub API v2
sunspot Public
Forked from sunspot/sunspotSolr-powered search for Ruby objects
acts_as_archive Public
Forked from winton/acts_as_archiveDon't delete your records, move them to a different table
sexy_pg_constraints Public
Forked from maxim/sexy_pg_constraintsAdds migration methods to manage constraints in PostgreSQL.
bitly-api Public archive
Forked from oleriesenberg/bitly-apiSmall library to access bitly api
twitter-search Public
Forked from dbrown/twitter-searchRuby wrapper for the Twitter Search API. Forked from Dustin Sallings' ruby-summize gem.
semantic_form_builder Public
Forked from glenngillen/semantic_form_builderA custom builder (and some helper methods) for creating consistent and accessible forms in rails
asset-hosting-with-minimum-ssl Public
Forked from dhh/asset-hosting-with-minimum-sslRails plugin for picking a non-ssl asset host as often as possible
test_benchmark Public
Forked from knzai/test_benchmarkRails plugin (and/or ruby gem) for benchmarking your test::units: a rework of the original by topfunky
schema_validations Public
Forked from crishoj/schema_validations -
acts_as_solr Public
Forked from tjackiw/acts_as_solrThis plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache‘s Solr to any Rails model. My fork integrates changes from other forks, as well as a few changes of my own.
acts-as-taggable-on Public
Forked from mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-onA tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts.
cacheable-flash Public archive
Forked from pboling/cacheable-flashGets the Rails flash object working with page cacheing. This fork doesn't require the JSON gem or any JavaScript library.
flickr_fu Public
Forked from thewebfellas/flickr_fuflickr-fu is a ruby interface around the flickr REST api
railz_scout Public
Forked from kch/railz_scoutRails plugin that posts bugs to a FogBugz installation via BugzScout.