import Developer from 'lopezdp';
class Bio extends Developer {
name = 'David P. Lopez';
title = 'Software Engineer';
email = 'Contact@DavidPLopez.com';
web = 'DavidPLopez.com';
class Skills extends AI Developer {
languages = ['Python','Javascript', 'C', 'C++', 'Solidity', 'PHP'];
databases = ['PostgreSQL', 'MySQL', 'DynamoDB', 'SQLite'];
frameworks = ['ReactJS', 'ExpressJS', 'Node.js', 'JupyterLab',
'Ethers.js', 'Web3.js', 'Pandas', 'NumPy', 'sklearn',
'tensorflow', 'matplotlib', 'Flask'];
cloudtools = ['Infrastructure As Code', 'CodeBuild', 'CodePipeline',
'CloudWatch', 'Cognito', 'SNS', 'SES', 'AWS Lambda',
'CloudTrail', 'CloudFront' 'SecretsManager', 'IoT Core',
'KeyManagerService', 'Kinesis', 'Amplify', 'S3', 'Athena',
'RedShift', 'SageMaker']
jobs = ['Machine Learning Engineer', 'Fullstack Web Developer',
'Backend Software Engineer', 'Blockchain Engineer'];
extras = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'e-commerce', 'ElasticSearch', 'Serverless Framework'
'Payments', 'WebRTC', 'NACHA', 'FinTech', 'MQL5'];
return "Contact me let's discuss ideas!";
My name is David P. Lopez and I'm a fullstack software engineer with experience building machine learning applications to reduce payments fraud. I'm from the USA, and I live in Latin America while working for NativeStack, Inc. You can find me on StackOverflow , and you can view a third party assessment of the work I have committed to my repositories at Coder's Rank
- π¬ Ask me about Sponsoring My Work
- π« How to reach me: Contact Me Now!
- β‘ Fun fact: I am Cuban, and yet, very American. I started life pouring concrete and fabricating steel and I taught myself how to program while building the Miami Skyline. I made the transition to the digital age, and you too can #LearnToCode.
Aside from building web and mobile applications, I also maintain a blog, and you can find my articles on my portfolio at the Revolt Blog.