A python program that turns an LLM, running on Ollama, into an automated researcher, which will with a single query determine focus areas to investigate, do websearches and scrape content from vari…
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Zero to Hero!
ECL Common Lisp for iOS devices (iPhone & iPad)
🐋 🐍 👁 Docker image with python 3 and opencv 4.1
Quantum computation simulator. Includes Grover's algorithm and a way to generate the oracle from a classical circuit.
A minimalistic cross-platform eBook reader built with Tauri, Epub.js, and Typescript
A quantum algorithm for the subgraph isomorphism problem
General Purpose 8 Qubit Optical Quantum Computer
Imaging, analysis, and simulation software for radio interferometry
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
syn·di·cate: a language for interactive programs
Windows Authentication strategy for Passport.js
Create PDF documents using web technologies
A Lisp-to-JavaScript compiler bootstrapped from Common Lisp
Code and data for paper "Deep Painterly Harmonization":
The unofficial Python client for the Coinbase Pro API
Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more...