- Chicago, Illinois
- http://www.lorenamesa.com
- @loooorenanicole
- Pro
Parents Open School: Writing Our First Python Program
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What To Do Today USA Election 2020
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Forked from lucachr/pelican-mgA responsive, minimal theme for Pelican that uses UIkit.
HTML MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
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GitHub Actions for Mynt ⚡️ Setup Mynt quickly and build your site fast.
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Forked from zendesk/ruby-kafkaA Ruby client library for Apache Kafka
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fast.ai practical deep learning for coders v3 workbooks
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedSep 24, 2019 -
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Place to centralize our favorite telenovela scripts
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Forked from stevemao/github-issue-templates🔣 A collection of GitHub issue and pull request templates
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Forked from practical-tutorials/project-based-learningCurated list of project-based tutorials
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Forked from TwilioDevEd/clicktocall-flaskAn example implementation of click to call using Twilio and Flask.
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Let's generate telenovela scripts with a Python Keras RNN LSTM model!
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Python 3 flask web app that scrapes Yelp reviews for pizza shops in a geographic region.
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Exercises for PyLadies Chicago Intro to Python 3 class exercises.
Python 2 and Python 3 naive bayes spam classifier trained with nltk.
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Forked from protocolbuffers/protobufProtocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
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Forked from strangeloop/StrangeLoop2018Strange Loop 2018 resources
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Example of a Python single layer perceptron neural network using sklearn datasets
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Forked from norvig/pytudesPython programs to practice or demonstrate skills.
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Forked from kojino/data-structures-algorithmsProblems in data structures and algorithms.
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Solution to https://github.com/adhocteam/homework/tree/master/slcsp in Python