uptime-kuma Public
A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
dockge Public
A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
silentremove-ffmpeg Public
Forked from beenotung/silencecut-ffmpegDetect and remove silent sections from video using ffmpeg.
ente Public
Forked from ente-io/enteFully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos
node-sqlite3 Public
Forked from TryGhost/node-sqlite3node-sqlite3 fork with CentOS 7 support
tsx Public
Forked from privatenumber/tsx⚡️ TypeScript Execute: Node.js enhanced to run TypeScript & ESM
louislam-crud Public archive
An easy-to-use CRUD library for you to create a back-end system or RESTful API in a few minutes.
redbean-node Public
RedBeanNode is an easy to use ORM tool for Node.js, strongly inspired by RedBeanPHP.
bun-serve-router Public archive
A very simple router implementation for bun.serve() using URL Pattern API.
bun-windows-via-docker Public archive
Use Bun on Windows via Docker Desktop
kmb-patch Public
KMB Android APK Patch
docker-boot Public
Quickly start a temporary container and go into the container's terminal. Easy to remember!
node-ping Public
Forked from danielzzz/node-pinga poor man's ping library (using udp scanning) for node
setup-node Public
Forked from actions/setup-nodeSet up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of node.js
dropbox-ignore-node_modules Public
Forked from tmackness/dropbox-ignore-node_modulesThis package will tell Dropdox to ignore the node_modules directory inside your project.
uptime-kuma-real-browsers-plugin Public archive
An Uptime Kuma plugin that add ability to monitor your website with real browsers such as Chrome and Firefox
rdp-portal Public
A slightly smarter and simple Remote Desktop manager for Windows.
android-lazy-library Public
LouisLam's Lazy Library for Android. The library includes a lot of useful functions/methods for the rapid development.