This repository contains a simple web server setup to serve markdown presentations as HTML using reveal.js.
The project uses a Docker container with all necessary dependencies. To rebuild the Gitpod environment with the required packages:
- Commit and push any changes to your repository
- Restart your Gitpod workspace to rebuild the container
To serve your presentation:
- Make sure your presentation is located at
- Run the server script:
- Open your browser to
or use the Gitpod preview
The server will:
- Convert your markdown to HTML using pandoc with reveal.js
- Serve the HTML on port 8080
- Watch for changes to the file
- Automatically rebuild and refresh the browser when changes are detected
If you encounter issues with the pandoc template, make sure:
- The Docker container has been rebuilt with the latest changes
- The reveal.js template is properly installed in
- The reveal.js library is correctly copied to the output directory
The server uses:
- pandoc - for markdown to HTML conversion
- reveal.js - for presentation styling
- live-server - for serving with auto-refresh
- inotify-tools - for file change detection
These are all installed in the Docker container.