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Test suite for the Löve APIs, based off of this issue.

Currently written for Löve 12, which is still in development. As such the test suite may fail if you try to run it with an older version of Löve due to it trying to call methods that don't exist.

While the test suite is part of the main Löve repo, the test suite has it's own repo here so that it can be used with other builds like love-potion. If you would like to contribute to the test suite please raise a PR on the love-test repo.


  • Simple pass/fail tests written in Lua with minimal setup
  • Ability to run all tests with a simple command
  • Ability to see how many tests are passing/failing
  • Ability to run a subset of tests
  • Ability to easily run an individual test
  • Ability to see all visual results at a glance
  • Compare graphics test output with an expected output
  • Automatic testing that happens after every commit
  • No platform-specific dependencies / scripts


This is the status of all module tests.
See the Todo section for outstanding tasks if you want to contribute!

Module Done Skip Modules Done Skip
🟢 audio 31 0 🟢 mouse 18 0
🟢 data 12 0 🟢 physics 26 0
🟢 event 4 2 🟢 sensor 1 0
🟢 filesystem 33 2 🟢 sound 4 0
🟢 font 7 0 🟢 system 7 2
🟢 graphics 105 1 🟢 thread 5 0
🟢 image 5 0 🟢 timer 6 0
🟢 joystick 6 0 🟢 touch 3 0
🟢 keyboard 10 0 🟢 video 2 0
🟢 love 6 0 🟢 window 34 2
🟢 math 20 0

The following modules are covered but at a basic level as we can't emulate hardware input nicely for all platforms + virtual runners:
joystick, keyboard, mouse, sensor and touch

Running Tests

The testsuite aims to keep things as simple as possible, and just runs all the tests inside Löve to match how they'd be used by developers in-engine. To run the tests, download the repo and then run the main.lua as you would a Löve game, i.e:

WINDOWS: & 'c:\Program Files\LOVE\love.exe' PATH_TO_TESTING_FOLDER/main.lua --console
MACOS: /Applications/ PATH_TO_TESTING_FOLDER/main.lua
LINUX: ./love.AppImage PATH_TO_TESTING_FOLDER/main.lua

By default all tests will be run for all modules.
If you want to specify a module/s you can use:
--modules filesystem,audio
If you want to specify only 1 specific method only you can use:
--method filesystem write

All results will be printed in the console per method as PASS, FAIL, or SKIP with total assertions met on a module level and overall level.

When finished, the following files will be generated in the /output directory with a summary of the test results:

  • an XML file in the style of JUnit XML
  • a HTML file that shows the report + any visual test results
  • a Markdown file you can use with this github action

An example of all types of output can be found in the /examples
The visual results of any graphic tests can be found in /output/actual


Each method and object has it's own test method written in /tests under the matching module name.

When you run the tests, a single TestSuite object is created which handles the progress + totals for all the tests.
Each module has a TestModule object created, and each test method has a TestMethod object created which keeps track of assertions for that method. You can currently do the following assertions:

  • assertNotNil(value)
  • assertEquals(expected, actual, label)
  • assertTrue(value, label)
  • assertFalse(value, label)
  • assertNotEquals(expected, actual, label)
  • assertRange(actual, min, max, label)
  • assertMatch({option1, option2, option3 ...}, actual, label)
  • assertGreaterEqual(expected, actual, label)
  • assertLessEqual(expected, actual, label)
  • assertObject(table)
  • assertCoords(expected, actual, label)

Example test method:

-- test method
-- all methods should be put under love.test.MODULE.METHOD, matching the API = function(test)
  -- setup any data needed then run any asserts using the passed test object
  local content, size ='resources/test.txt')
  test:assertEquals('helloworld', content, 'check content match')
  test:assertEquals(10, size, 'check size match')
  content, size ='resources/test.txt', 5)
  test:assertEquals('hello', content, 'check content match')
  test:assertEquals(5, size, 'check size match')
  -- no need to return anything or cleanup, GCC is called after each method

Each test is run inside it's own coroutine - you can use test:waitFrames(frames) or test:waitSeconds(seconds) to pause the test for a small period if you need to check things that won't happen for a few frames/seconds.

After each test method is ran, the assertions are totalled up, printed, and we move onto the next method! Once all methods in the suite are run a total pass/fail/skip is given for that module and we move onto the next module (if any)

For sanity-checking, if it's currently not covered or it's not possible to test the method we can set the test to be skipped with test:skipTest(reason) - this way we still see the method listed in the test output without it affected the pass/fail totals


If you would like to contribute to the test suite please raise a PR with the main love-test repo.

There is a list of outstanding methods that require test coverage in, expanding on any existing tests is also very welcome!

Graphics Tolerance

By default all graphic tests are run with pixel precision and 0 rgba tolerance.

However there are a couple of methods that on some platforms require some slight tolerance to allow for tiny differences in rendering.

Test OS Exception Reason Windows 1rgba tolerance On Windows there's a couple pixels a tiny bit off, most likely due to complexity of the mesh drawn Win/Lin 1rgba tolerance Blendmodes have some small varience on some machines

Runner Exceptions

The automated tests through Github work for the most part however there are a few exceptions that have to be accounted for due to limitations of the VMs and the graphics emulation used.

These exceptions are either skipped, or handled by using a 1px or 1/255rgba tolerance - when run locally on real hardware, these tests pass fine at the default 0 tolerance.
You can specify the test suite is being run on a runner by adding the --isRunner flag in your workflow file, i.e.:
& 'c:\Program Files\LOVE\love.exe' PATH_TO_TESTING_FOLDER/main.lua --console --all --isRunner

Test OS Exception Reason MacOS 1px tolerance Wireframes are offset by 1,1 when drawn
love.graphica.arc MacOS Skipped Arc curves are drawn slightly off at really low scale Linux 1rgba tolerance 'Rough' lines blend differently with the background rgba All Skipped Recording devices can't be emulated on runners