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A simple Lua HTTPS module using native platform backends where applicable.


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lua-https is a simple Lua HTTPS module using native platform backends specifically written for LÖVE 12.0 and supports Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.


To use lua-https, load it with require like local https = require("https"). lua-https does not create global variables!

The https module exposes a single function: https.request.


Simplified form:

code, body = https.request( url )

If you need to specify headers in the request or get them in the response, you can use the full form:

code, body, headers = https.request( url, options )


  • string url: HTTP or HTTPS URL to access.
  • table options: Optional options for advanced mode.
    • string data: Additional data to send as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (unless specified otherwise in Content-Type header).
    • string method: HTTP method. If absent, it's either "GET" or "POST" depending on the data field above.
    • table headers: Additional headers to add to the request as key-value pairs.

Return values

  • number code: HTTP status code, or 0 on failure.
  • string body: HTTP response body or nil on failure.
  • table headers: HTTP response headers as key-value pairs or nil on failure or option parameter above is nil.

Compile From Source

While lua-https is bundled in LÖVE 12.0 by default, it's possible to compile the module from source and use it on earlier version of LÖVE or Lua. All compilation requires Lua 5.1 (or LuaJIT) headers and libraries.


Ensure you have CMake as well as the OpenSSL and cURL development libraries installed.

cmake -Bbuild -S. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/install
cmake --build build --target install can be found in the install folder.


Compilation is done using CMake. This assume MSVC toolchain is used. Change "x64" to "Win32" to compile for x86 32-bit platform or "ARM64" for ARM64 platform.

cmake -Bbuild -S. -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%CD%\install
cmake --build build --config Release --target install

https.dll can be found in the install folder.


Available since LÖVE 11.4 Proper 3rd-party C module support requires this LÖVE version.

Compilation is done by placing lua-https source code in <love-android>/love/src/jni/lua-modules. The structure will look like this:


  • example
  • src
  • CMakeLists.txt
  • java.txt
  • license.txt

Afterwards compile love-android as usual. The modules will be automatically embedded to the APK. This can be verified by checking the APK with Zip viewer application and inspecting files in lib/arm64-v8a and lib/armeabi-v7a.


Copyright © 2019-2025 LOVE Development Team

lua-https is licensed under zLib license, same as LÖVE.


A simple Lua HTTPS module using native platform backends where applicable.







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