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73 lines (56 loc) · 4.33 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (56 loc) · 4.33 KB

Reference for contributors


This repository is a monorepo containing multiple packages.

We try to offer high quality packages that are well documented, tested and maintained, which is why each new contribution MUST:

  • Be tested AND covered
    • If some parts are not covered, either refactor the code in a way that it can be tested or add a comment explaining why it's really not possible
  • Be well documented (including internal APIs)
    • Public APIs should contain at least one example
    • Private APIs should not contain any example (the reasoning behind is that implementation details can change over time and these are not intended to be used directly)
    • Do not contain uncessary JSDoc tags (e.g. @param, @return, etc.) that are already infered by TypeScript engine.
  • Be consistent with the rest of the repository
    • Use the same "vocabulary"
    • Prefers single-word names for public APIs, or camelCase if it cannot be clear enough
  • Avoid introducing unnecessary breaking changes
  • Avoid introducing unnecessary dependencies
    • If a dependency is required, it should be justified in the pull request


Because this project is relatively huge, maintainers reserve the right to refuse contributions that do not meet these requirements or are deemed out of scope. If you're unsure about a contribution, feel free to open an issue to discuss it first.

Automated releases

When a pull request is merged, a new release is automatically created when applicable.

This is why all commits MUST follow Conventional Commits rules:

  • Use a scope matching the exact name of the package (e.g. feat(testing): my awesome new feature)
  • Use the ! modifier to indicate for breaking changes (e.g. fix(testing)!: renamed members from public api)

The new version will be computed automatically based on the changes introduced in the pull request and published on applicable package managers.


[] is not published under semantically versioned tags, but under a date-based tag (YYYY.MM.DD).

This is because it contains multiple packages so it's not possible to determine a single version for the whole repository. Because of this limitation, it also means that only a single release can be made per day on this registry.


To ease maintenance, a set of tasks are available to contributors through deno task.

The following tasks are available from @libs/* scopes:

  • test: Run deno test while collecting coverage, looking for leaks and checking documentation examples
  • test:deno: Perform tests on deno runtime
  • test:node: Perform tests on node
  • test:bun: Perform tests on bun
  • coverage:html: Generate coverage report (html)
  • dev: Run deno fmt, deno test (deno only), print detailed coverage, and deno task lint
  • lint: Run deno fmt, deno lint, deno doc --lint, deno publish --dry-run

The following tasks are available from @libs scope:

  • lint: Run deno task lint for all packages
  • make:readme🤖: Generate main file
    • This action is performed automatically by CI, do NOT submit changes resulting from this command in pull requests
  • make:config🤖: Generate and sync all */deno.jsonc to match metadata of main deno.jsonc
    • This action is performed automatically by CI, do NOT submit changes resulting from this command in pull requests
    • The following properties additonal properties to */deno.jsonc are supported:
      • icon:string: Package icon
      • playground?:string: URL to playground
      • [""]?:boolean: Is this package published on
      • test:permissions?:Deno.TestDefinition["permissions"]: Permissions required for tests (these should be minimal)
      • supported:Record<"deno"|"node"|"bun"|"cloudflare-workers"|"browsers", boolean>: List of supported runtimes
  • make:config-upgrade👨‍💻: Same as make:config but also upgrade dependencies of */deno.jsonc with the ones from deno.jsonc
    • This action is to be performed by a maintainer, each package should be separately commited to ensure that each package are correctly rebuild in the CI
  • make:tag🤖: verify that new tag is semantically greater than previous one
    • This action is performed automatically by CI, do NOT run it locally