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🧪 Testing utilities

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Isomorphic test runner to perform cross-platform testing on the Deno, Node.js and Bun runtimes.

📑 Examples

import { expect, runtime, Status, test, throws } from "./mod.ts"

// Test is performed on all available runtimes by default
test("test on all available runtimes", () => {

// Test can be restricted to specific runtimes by gating them with `runtime`
if (runtime === "node") {
  test("test only on node runtime", () => {
    expect("foo").toBeOneOf(["foo", "bar"])

// Test on deno are performed without any additional permissions by default
// to satisfy the principle of least privilege, but can be overridden (this is ignored on other runtimes)
test("test `Deno.serve({ port: 8080 })` with additional `{ permissions: { net: 'inherit' } }`", async () => {
  await using server = Deno.serve({ port: 8080, onListen: () => null }, () => new Response(null, { status: Status.OK }))
  await expect(fetch(`http://${server.addr.hostname}:${server.addr.port}`)).resolves.toRespondWithStatus("2XX")
}, { permissions: { net: "inherit" } })

// You can use
test.todo("todo test", () => null)
test.skip("broken test", () => throws("broken test"))

✨ Features

  • Isomorphic test runner that can be used multiple different runtimes.
  • Extends @std/expect with additional matchers (toMatchDescriptor, toBeImmutable, toBeIterable, toRespondWithStatus, toBeEmail, etc.)
  • The permissions for deno test are defaulted to "none" rather than "inherit".
  • Syntax highlighting in test names for better readability.

🤖 Workflow usage

Below is an example on how it could be used within a GitHub Actions workflow:


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v2
          deno-version: 2.x
      - run: deno test
      - uses: oven-sh/setup-bun@v1
          bun-version: 1.x
      - run: bun test
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: 22.x
      - run: npx tsx --test

🕊️ Migrating from 3.x.x to 4.x.x

Test must be run through respective runtime

Previously, tests were run through Deno, but now you are supposed to run them through the runtime you want to test.

  • deno: deno test
  • bun: bun test
  • node: npx tsx --test

Runtime selection must now be done by gating tests

The test() function is now directly the runner rather than a function that returns a runner.

- test()("foo", () => void null)
+ test("foo", () => void null)
- test("node", "bun")("foo", () => void null)
+ if (runtime === "node" || runtime === "bun")
+   test("foo", () => void null)

🕊️ Migrating from 2.x.x to 3.x.x

Version 3.x.x and onwards require Deno 2.x.x or later.

toBeType("object") and null

The toBeType("object") matcher now excludes null by default. The second argument has been replaced by an object with a nullable property for better readability.

- expect(null).toBeType("object", !null)
+ expect(null).toBeType("object", { nullable: true })

Updated headers and syntax highlighting

The prefix for runtime in test names has been changed to be displayed in uppercase over a colored background. If you were using the deno test --filter option, you will need to update your filter accordingly.

- [deno]

Additionally, test names now syntax highlight everything specified in backticks.

📜 License

Copyright (c) Simon Lecoq <@lowlighter>. (MIT License)