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Pull requests: ls1intum/Artemis

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Pull requests list

Programming exercises: Changing the short name while importing breaks tests bugfix programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!)
#10470 opened Mar 12, 2025 by ekayandan Draft
31 tasks
Provide more context to lecture chat pipeline iris Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!)
#10464 opened Mar 11, 2025 by sebastianloose Draft
31 tasks
Lectures: Allow drag and dropping of PDF pages client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) lecture Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10457 opened Mar 9, 2025 by eceeeren Draft
31 tasks
Exam mode: Migrate participate module to signals client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) tests
#10456 opened Mar 9, 2025 by coolchock Draft
31 tasks
Development: Add E2E Tests
#10452 opened Mar 7, 2025 by egekocabas Draft
1 task
Development: Update Hibernate to 6.6.x communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module iris Pull requests that affect the corresponding module modeling Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module quiz Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10389 opened Feb 23, 2025 by krusche Draft
6 of 13 tasks
Programming exercises: Fix repository breadcrumbs client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) ready for review tests
#10383 opened Feb 22, 2025 by SimonEntholzer Loading…
14 tasks done
Development: Remove Gitlab support assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module athena Pull requests that affect the corresponding module atlas Pull requests that affect the corresponding module buildagent Pull requests that affect the corresponding module client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) communication Pull requests that affect the corresponding module config-change Pull requests that change the config in a way that they require a deployment via Ansible. core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module docker documentation exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module fileupload Pull requests that affect the corresponding module iris Pull requests that affect the corresponding module lti Pull requests that affect the corresponding module modeling Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module quiz Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) template tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10382 opened Feb 22, 2025 by krusche Draft
35 tasks
Development: Update version of SAML2 core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module documentation server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!)
#10362 opened Feb 18, 2025 by dfuchss Draft
6 of 20 tasks
Development: Introduce exam module API assessment Pull requests that affect the corresponding module core Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exam Pull requests that affect the corresponding module exercise Pull requests that affect the corresponding module fileupload Pull requests that affect the corresponding module modeling Pull requests that affect the corresponding module programming Pull requests that affect the corresponding module quiz Pull requests that affect the corresponding module server Pull requests that update Java code. (Added Automatically!) tests text Pull requests that affect the corresponding module
#10262 opened Feb 4, 2025 by ole-ve Loading…
11 tasks done
General: Generalize icon in Cancel button for consistency client Pull requests that update TypeScript code. (Added Automatically!) stale
#10244 opened Feb 1, 2025 by laxerhd Loading…
7 of 18 tasks
ProTip! What’s not been updated in a month: updated:<2025-02-13.