issues Search Results · repo:lsd-consulting/lsd-core language:HTML
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inlsd-consulting/lsd-core (press backspace or delete to remove):rotating_light: The automated release from the main branch failed. :rotating_light:
I recommend you give this issue a high priority, so other packages depending on you can benefit from your bug fixes ...
- Opened on Oct 20, 2023
- #91
A dev mode to make it easier to get quick feedback on css and js changes.
May also be useful in environments that are offline only.
Downsides: Includes a lot more noise in the reports (particularly in ...
- Opened on Jun 24, 2023
- #87
If a Newpage event results in a diagram without any messages then omit the whole diagram.
This is quite likely in some of the related libraries such as lsd-cucumber where new page events may be added ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 23, 2023
- #86
Some diagrams have dozens and dozens of diagrams created and this is pretty slow - there may be an opportunity to speed
up via coroutines or similar.
- 1
- Opened on Jun 18, 2023
- #85
The lifeline activation and deactivation causes complications when diagrams get split due to size or because of newpage
events. For example plantUml rendering breaks when the first event is a deactivate ...
- 1
- Opened on May 21, 2023
- #83
Sometimes it s useful to have metrics for troubleshooting (like how many events have been captured and how many per
message type etc.). This should be optional and disabled by default since we don t want ...
- 2
- Opened on May 21, 2023
- #82
It appears PlantUML doesn t support unmatching deactivate commands.
It ma happen when LSD splits up long reports.
An example:
img width= 1198 alt= image src= ...
- 1
- Opened on May 18, 2023
- #81
Now that the MIT version is available in maven central we can attempt to switch over (since this is a friendlier license
and should be less likely to cause issues)
- 1
- Opened on May 13, 2023
- #80
A suggestion was given to be able to hide certain participants from being included on a sequence diagram. This may be
useful to simplify some diagrams by hiding internal participants that may be included ...
- Opened on May 2, 2023
- #79

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