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Read all file URLs in own databases then reupload to S3 compatible storage

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Repository files navigation

Reupload files in existing database to another S3-compatible storage then update the records in the database.

How it works

  1. Read your database (PostgreSQL)
  2. List all the files
  3. Reupload to S3-compatible storage
  4. Update the database

How to run

  • Clone the repository
  • Create .env file based on .env.sample then configure it
cp ./.env.sample ./.env
  • Create config.json file based on config.sample.json then configure it
cp ./config.sample.json ./config.json
  • It has been tested on Node 16, Typescript 4.5, and PostgreSQL 13
  • Build and run the program
yarn build
yarn start


  1. Backup exisiting database and restore it on the local computer first
  2. Verify all columns and its types in the database that contain file URLs
  3. Test reuploading process for the database on your local computer first
  4. Verify the result before change the configuration for production
  5. Make sure you have enough memory and fine internet connection.
  6. RECOMMENDATION, Deploy this program on a cloud server that close to the destination storage


There are two files that can be used for storing configuration.

  • .env stores database & S3 storage connection options.
  • config.json stores database connection, S3 storage connection, and tables options. If database & S3 options are set here, the values stored in .env will be ignored.

Properties of .env

  • DB_HOST the database host. eg. localhost
  • DB_PORT eg. 5432
  • DB_USER the username for the DB access. eg. postgres
  • DB_PASSWORD password for the specified username. eg. mypassword
  • DB_NAME name of the DB. eg. mydatabase
  • DB_SSL use of SSL mode for DB connection. eg. true
  • BUCKET_ENDPOINT endpoint address of S3-compatible storage. eg.
  • BUCKET_NAME name of the bucket in the S3-compatible storage. eg. mybucket

Properties of config.json

  • connection (optional)

    • host
    • port: number
    • user
    • password
    • database name of the database
    • ssl: true | false
  • bucket (optional)

    • endpoint endpoint address of S3-compatible storage
    • key
    • secret
    • name name of the bucket
    • resultForceHttps: boolean File uploading may result in an unsecure URL address (http:). This property will replace the http: part with https:.
    • resultBaseUrl: string | false This property will replace the base URL (origin) of uploaded file location. For example, if this value is and file location is, the location will be changed to
    • resultDirectory: Force to store all uploaded files to a specific path.
    • keepOriginalName: boolean: Keep original basename of a file.
    • keepOriginalPath: boolean: Keep original path of a file. It will be ignored if resultDirectory is set.
  • tables array of table configurations. Each configuration is represented as a JSON object with the following properties.

    • name name of a table. eg. users,
    • primaryKey primary key of the table. eg. _id
    • filterQuery (optional) an SQL statement as the search filter. It must be presented as SQL-safe string that may contain quote, double quotes, or backslah. For example:
      • "WHERE \"profilePicture"\ LIKE 'https://bucket%'"
      • "WHERE \"image\" IS NOT NULL"
      • "WHERE \"category\" = 'rare'"
      • "WHERE \"_id\" = 69"
    • fields array of field configurations. Each configuration is represented as a JSON object with the following properties.
      • name name of the column
      • type (optional) type of the column value. Current possible values are json, array-json, json-array, and json-array-object. String URL and array of string URLs are auto-detected by default. Array of string is a built-in PostgreSQL array. If the array is encoded into JSON string, we must set the type to json-array.
      • props (optional) array of object properties for json, array-json, and json-array-object column that contain file URL. A child property is combined with its predecessors properties using . (dot). For example, if the object in a column has the following value:
          "_id": 1,
          "image": "",
          "user": {
            "weapon": "Jakobs Sniper Rifle",
            "profilePicture": {
              "large": "",
              "small": ""
        The props can be set into:
        • ["image"]
        • ["image", "user.profilePicture.large"]
        • etc.

Sample of a config.json file

  "tables": [
      "name": "promotions",
      "primaryKey": "_id",
      "fields": [
          "name": "productImage",
          "type": "array-json",
          "props": ["image"]
      "name": "companyCategories",
      "primaryKey": "_id",
      "fields": [
          "name": "image"
      "name": "articles",
      "primaryKey": "uuid",
      "filterQuery": "where \"image\" LIKE 'https://%'",
      "fields": [
          "name": "image"
          "name": "images"
          "name": "gallery",
          "type": "json",
          "props": ["detail.image"]

To Do

[ ] Support for text search (text)
[ ] Custom ACL [ ] Custom bucket & endpoint for each file


Read all file URLs in own databases then reupload to S3 compatible storage






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