- π NEW in 2023 - Generative AI on AWS (Amazon Bedrock and more) - link
IMPORTANT This Repo is a companion to my LinkedIn Learning courses - services covered are shown in the diagram below. Detail on DEMOS for AWS services in this file
- π my 'AWS Data Services' Linked In Learning course - link
- π my 'AWS Machine Learning' Linked In Learning course - link
My example AWS GitHub Repos (code, links and sample data):
'hello-aws-data-services' - link - this repo
'aws-cost-control' - link - repo / course
'aws-for-'bioinformatics' - link - repo / FREE course
'learning-hadoop-and-spark' - link - repo / course
'learning-nosql' - link - repo / course
- π my Medium articles on AWS topics - link
- π£οΈ my YouTube AWS Serverless Playlist for serverless AWS - link
- π£οΈ my YouTube general AWS Playlist for general AWS - link
- π£οΈ my AWS Community Hero award(for Data) - link
- π my LI_L courses - I have a large number of cloud and data courses on LinkedIn Learning. Below is a summary chart of my most popular courses for AWS Data topics. Just search on the course title (or my name) on the LinkedIn Learning site to view these courses.