express application capable to write, save, and delete notes
Code for the front end of application was provided, developer was responsible for the backend code and combining the two.
Application uses 2 HTML routes: GET/ * redirects to the root (index.html), GET /notes - Should return the notes.html file.
Notes are stored in a db.json file on the backend.
3 API routes were created:
/api/notes reads the db.json file and return all saved notes as JSONB
POST /api/notes receives a new note to save on the request.body, add it to the db.json file, and then return the new note to the client when the save icon is clicked
DELETE /api/notes/:id receives a query paramter containing the id of a note to delete when the trash can next to the
corresponding title is clicked
In terminal or command line and type in run npm watch
Follow http to your local server, and begin working in application
If local port is locked, npx kill-port 3000