About the jumpers on the de0-nano-soc / atlas soc board:
ON = 0 OFF = 1
So the correct settings for this distribution look like this on the circuit board:
1=on = 0 2=off = 1 3=on = 0 4=off = 1 5=on = 0 6=on = 0
Just a small overview of the path from software --> cpu to fpga hostmot2 --> I/O pins
Going straight for an axi Interface would mean redesigning the top hostmot2.vhd module splitting the (outside hps) address bus into 2(in / out).
So initially I have settled on using a basic Avalon interface as this is the most straight forward way to implement an I/O path with 1 16-bit adressbus and 2 unidirectional 32-bit data buses.
Would be an idea to build this hm2 top controller module into the qsys design as an ip core instead of having it hanging outside through a bus type interface port? --> no ..
(The hps soc will be the 1 single static basic design partition for starters). (hostmot2.vhd will be the top of the dynamic reconfigurable opartition)
The link between the hm2 avalon interface ip (in qsys), the devicetree (dts-->dtb) entry, and link to getting memory mapped access in (linux) software is sketched out here:
Final hm2_soc Machinekit driver
Avalon Interface IP config file
this script creates the following relevant headerfile
Headerfile containing all hw address info in customized hps soc
So how do the Hardware I/O pins relate to the Quartus project files ?
In the near future kernel 4.4 with fpga manager driver framework wish list is to implement partial re-configuration partions with the lower level hm2 modules, giving a more modular (hal like) approach to custom configuring.
It's possible to do with a solid unchanging interface structure and static hps / hm2 partitions with added dynamic reconconfigurable partitions containing bloks of hm2 function cores. giving "boxes / slots", block elements that can be swapped in / out of....(think 4-8 partions at most).