kubernetes-goat Public
Kubernetes Goat is a "Vulnerable by Design" cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security using an interactive hands-on playground 🚀
madhuakula.com Public
Madhu Akula's website
hacker-container Public
The Swiss Army Container for Cloud Native Security. Container with all the list of useful tools/commands while hacking and securing Containers, Kubernetes Clusters, and Cloud Native workloads.
vet Public
Forked from safedep/vetTool to achieve policy driven vetting of open source dependencies
awesome-devsecops Public
Forked from JakobTheDev/awesome-devsecopsCurating the best DevSecOps resources and tooling.
docker-security-checker Public
Dockerfile Security Checker using OPA Rego policies with Conftest
yaql Public
Forked from openstack/yaqlYet another query language. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
x11docker Public
Forked from mviereck/x11dockerRun GUI applications and desktops in docker. Focus on security.
hugoThemesSiteBuilder Public
Forked from gohugoio/hugoThemesSiteBuilderThe source for https://themes.gohugo.io
toc-page-hugo-theme Public
Table of Contents Page (toc-page) is a minimal, single-page theme for Hugo
cq-provider-okta Public
CloudQuery Provider for Okta
cloudquery Public
Forked from cloudquery/cloudquerycloudquery transforms your cloud infrastructure into SQL database for easy monitoring, governance and security.
Kubernetes-DNS-spoofing-POC Public
Forked from C-h4ck-0/Kubernetes-DNS-spoofing-POCProof-of-Concept python script that implements DNS spoofing attack in Kubernetes environment from a pod located on a Worker server
k8s-sec.github.io Public
Forked from k8s-sec/k8s-sec.github.ioLinks and resources for the O'Reilly Kubernetes Security book
hacked-emails Public
Command line hacked-emails
raneto-docker Public
Forked from appsecco/raneto-dockerDocker container for Markdown based Raneto Knowledgebase
DockerSecurityPlayground Public
Forked from DockerSecurityPlayground/DSPA Microservices-based framework for the study of Network Security and Penetration Test techniques
financial-user-group Public
Forked from cncf/financial-user-group💰💸☁️For those interested in running Kubernetes in highly regulated environments, particularly financial services
awsets Public
Forked from trek10inc/awsetsA utility for crawling an AWS account and exporting all its resources for further analysis.
Docker-OSX Public
Forked from sickcodes/Docker-OSXMac in Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding!
OSX-KVM Public
Forked from kholia/OSX-KVMRun macOS on QEMU/KVM. With OpenCore Now! No free support is provided. Open PR(s) to fix problems.
defcon24-infra-monitoring-workshop Public
Forked from appsecco/defcon24-infra-monitoring-workshopDefcon24 Workshop Contents : Ninja Level Infrastructure Monitoring
nullblr-bachaav-aismd Public
Forked from appsecco/nullblr-bachaav-aismdnull Bangalore Public Bachaav 10 December 2016 Automated Infrastructure Security Monitoring & Defence
2 UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
linux-container-security-docs Public
Forked from makash/linux-container-security-docsA gitbook for doing a null Bangalore session on linux container security to discuss and teach namespaces, cgroups etc.
defcon-26-workshop-attacking-and-auditing-docker-containers Public
Forked from appsecco/defcon-26-workshop-attacking-and-auditing-docker-containersDEF CON 26 Workshop - Attacking & Auditing Docker Containers Using Open Source