A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
A dynamic SOQL and SOSL query builder on platform
A build system for creating cross-platform styles.
Code from Implementing Useful Algorithms in C++ by Dmytro Kedyk
Easy to use C++17 HTTP Server with no compromise on performances.
A way to simplify your Salesforce data creation and method stubbing.
Web Worker implementation running on Lightning platform (Locker Service)
Performance Tester for A-B functionality implemented a Lighting Web Component using Chart.js to graph results.
Lightning related list with filter
Cluster analysis for Salesforce: Group records into clusters and visualize the result using ML algorithms
Showcase of an e-commerce website built with the JAMStack
Example SFDX project for using Tailwind CSS in a Salesforce Lightning Community
C++ `std::unique_ptr` that represents each object as an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain
A sample project for CumulusCI
A Docker based Jenkins deployment for CumulusCI with all needed plugins and job configuration via jenkins-job-builder.
A library of concise, meaningful examples of Apex code for common use cases following best practices.
👾 When you are stuck using Javascript, React can help, Relux, Redux, Reflux, ReGurgitate, Gatsby
A list of engineering manager resource links.
Javascript BDD UI Automation Framework. Exclusive LWC Shadow DOM Support. Playwright,, Appium, Saucelabs.
Salesforce metadata static analysis library focusing on Apex validation
Array manipulation, ordering, searching, summarizing, etc.
SObject factory that can be used in unit tests to create test data.
An electron project starter for creating Salesforce API interfaces.
The buffer module from node.js, for the lwc developer.
Integrate Redux with Lightning Web Component