- 🐍 Ask me about anything relevant
- ☁️ Currently learning Golang
- 😄 Contribute on crazy ideas and Open Source projects
- 📱 Contact me via LinkedIn
Just a tinker who loves to build and break stuff for fun and profit (software).
- Python | Go | JavaScript | SQL | Dart
Backed Dev (Web & Mobile)
- Frameworks: Django | Flask | NodeJS | Flutter
- Databses: MSQL | Postgres | Maria | Mongo | Redis
- Message Queues: RabbitMQ | ActiveMQ | Kafka | Redis
- Web servers: Nginx | Apache2 | HAproxy | Caddy | Traefik
- Architectures: Microservices with SOA | EDA | DDA
- Cloud/Deployment: AWS | Docker | Hashcorp tools
- Containerization: Docker | DockerOps
- CI/CD : Gitlab CI/CD | Git actions | Jenkins
- Provisioning: Hashicorp tools
- Configuration management: Hashicorp tools
- Orchestration: Docker Swarm | Docker Manager | Kubernetes
- Webservers & Proxies: Nginx | Traefik | HAProxy | Caddy
- Security automation: ASM | SIEM | Veracode | Mend | ELK stack | Gitlab
- Opensource security researches / Supply Chain security
- Web application penetration testing
- Mobile application penetration testing
- IoT device secuirity testing
- Secure coding and Sorce code review
- API security / OWASP Top 10
- SAST, DAST and SCA automation
I contribute on OpenSource projects on my free time.
- Theories | Nature | Energy | Heist | Numbers