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Docker Directory

This directory stores certificates for local SSL/TLS, created by running run-docker script, as well as configuration for docker environment setup.

Run the docker/run-docker script from the root of the repository to create a container running PWA with a secure https protocol.

This script will:

  • copy the .env.docker environment variables to .env to be easily consumable by docker-compose
  • add a custom domain, configured in .env.docker
  • generate a self-signed ssl/tls certificate and trust the certificate using devcert in the makeHostAndCert.js script
  • run docker-compose build to build the container network
  • run docker-compose up to start the container running PWA at the custom domain with https

After docker/run-docker is executed from the root of the repository, the default configuration will have the PWA application running at https://pwa-docker.localhost.

Configure a custom domain

The domain is configurable. Just set the DEV_SERVER_HOST key to the new domain under docker/.env.docker, or pass a custom .env file with the DEV_SERVER_HOST key set. All required fields can be found in docker/.env.docker. For staging and production environments, use STAGING_SERVER_HOST. See how to pass the custom .env file below.

Pass custom .env file configuration through cli args (optional)

To use a custom .env file for configuration, pass it to the run-docker script like so: docker/run-docker -e path-from-project-root. This file will take the place of the default .env.docker file.

Service Workers and Hot Reloading

Service workers are disabled by default when running the docker/run-docker script, but they can easily be turned on by changing the default value of DEV_SERVER_SERVICE_WORKER_ENABLED=false to DEV_SERVER_SERVICE_WORKER_ENABLED=true in .env.docker.

Hot reloading is enabled by default when running the docker/run-docker script and automatically refreshes the browser on changes made in the container as well as on the host machine, ie your local file system.

If service workers are enabled during development, then service worker caching will affect the hot reloading and will require a manual refresh after the cached assets have fully reloaded.

In order to avoid manual page refreshing and have hot reloading work as expected with service workers enabled, it is recommended for developers to click the Update on reload checkbox in the Service Workers panel in Chrome developer tools. This feature in Chrome is helpful when developing with service workers because it ensures that the service worker is updated on every page reload and you will see changes immediately, avoiding the service worker cache.

For more details check out the dev tools docs.

Hot Reloading is not working

If you find that hot reloading is not working for you the webpack docs recommend using polling as watching does not work with network file systems and machines in VirtualBox. To enable polling, set DEV_SERVER_WATCH_OPTIONS_USE_POLLING=1 in .env.docker.