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A Clojure library that wraps Datomic API functions to add type extensions.

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Datomic type extensions

This Clojure library provides custom types for your Datomic attributes. It does this by wrapping a leaky abstraction around your regular Datomic API.

  • Add custom types by implementing the serialize, deserialize and get-backing-datomic-type multimethods in the datomic-type-extensions.types namespace.

  • Require [datomic-type-extensions.api :as d] instead of [datomic.api :as d].

  • When you d/connect the first time, a :dte/valueType attribute will be installed.

  • Assert :dte/valueType for your typed attributes. When transacting attribute definitions, the original :db/valueType will be added by looking it up in get-backing-datomic-type.

  • When using d/transact, d/transact-async or d/with, your typed attributes will be serialized before being passed to Datomic.

  • When using d/q, d/query, d/pull or d/pull-many, your typed attributes will be deserialized on the way out of Datomic.

  • Entities returned by d/entity will lazily deserialize their types.

Oh, the convenience!

Did you say leaky abstraction?

Oh yes. Let's look at some ways this abstraction leaks:

  • Database functions see serialized values.

  • Where-clauses in queries see serialized values.

  • Params to queries are not serialized for you.

  • Datoms (as returned by :tx-data, indexes, and the log) are not deserialized.

There might be more, but during several years of production use, these are the ones we have encountered.


Define a custom type:

(require '[datomic-type-extensions.types :as types])

(types/define-dte :java.time/instant

  ;; native Datomic backing type

  ;; serialize
  [^java.time.Instant this]
  (java.util.Date/from this)

  ;; deserialize
  [^java.util.Date inst]
  (java.time.Instant/ofEpochMilli (.getTime inst)))

If you're interested in storing java.time types in Datomic, use java-time-dte.

Then use the custom type:

(require '[datomic-type-extensions.api :as d])

(defn create-conn []
  (let [url (str "datomic:mem://" (d/squuid))]
    (d/create-database url)
    (d/connect url)))

(def conn (create-conn))

  [{:db/ident :user/email
    :db/valueType :db.type/string
    :db/unique :db.unique/identity
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
   {:db/ident :user/created-at
    :dte/valueType :java.time/instant ;; here's the typed attribute
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}])

  [{:user/email ""
    :user/created-at (java.time.Instant/parse "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z")}])

(d/pull (d/db conn)
        [:user/email ""]) ;; :user/created-at is a java.time.Instant

(:user/created-at (d/entity (d/db conn) [:user/email ""]))
;; => returns a java.time.Instant

(d/q '[:find ?inst . :where [_ :user/created-at ?inst]]
     (d/db conn)) ;; so does this

(let [[[e a v]]
      (seq (d/datoms (d/db conn) :eavt [:user/email ""] :user/created-at))]
  v) ;; this leaks: it returns a java.util.Date (the serialized backing type)

So now what?

Feel free to use it. It's been used for years in several projects. Just be aware that it is leaky. For me, I hope that one day this entire library will be made redundant by the Datomic team.

How can I use it with Conformity?

Since Conformity's ensure-conforms transacts for you using the non-wrapped Datomic API, you can add the backing types like so:

(d/add-backing-types tx-data)

before sending the migrations to Conformity.

If you are also migrating in data that needs to be serialized, you might have to do the attribute migrations first, and then do:

(d/prepare-tx-data db tx-data)

on the data migration.


With tools.deps:

datomic-type-extensions/datomic-type-extensions {:mvn/version "2025.01.24"}

With Leiningen:

[datomic-type-extensions "2025.01.24"]


From 2024.11.20 to 2025.01.24

  • Support retractions without a value. (Tormod Mathiesen)
  • Add support for query-stats and io-stats.
  • Add support for return maps in queries.
  • Add support for queries as maps.

From 2024.02.09 to 2024.11.20

  • Bugfix: Calling seq on an entity now returns a list of MapEntry

    This is the expected behavior of datomic entities, and makes it work with keys.

From 2024.01.17 to 2024.02.09


    Data with nested dte-backed attributes was not properly deserialized. This bug has now been fixed, with potential breakage if your code relied on this asymmetry.

    More information in the PR: #9

From 2020-05-26 to 2024.01.17

  • Add datomic-type-extensions.types/define-dte macro for even more convenience.
  • Support for linting define-dte with clj-kondo.

From 2019-09-04 to 2020-05-26

  • Better performance with type hints to avoid reflection.

From 2019-05-10 to 2019-09-04

  • We now wrap datomic.api/history to ensure we cache the type extended attributes before the history db makes us unable to find them.

From 2019-02-05 to 2019-05-10

  • We now wrap datomic.api/filter to ensure we cache the type extended attributes before you filter them out of the database.

From 2019-02-05 to 2019-02-18


  • Fix serialization / deserialization of multi-value attributes again

From 2019-01-23 to 2019-02-05


  • Fix lookup of missing serialized attribute.

From 2018-11-06 to 2019-01-23


  • Fix serialization / deserialization of multi-value attributes (i.e. :db.cardinality/many)

From 2018-04-18 to 2018-11-06

Bugfixes / aligning the APIs with Datomic:

  • Make TypeExtendedEntityMap behave more like Datomic wrt printing (Anders Furseth)
  • Hash EntityMap and TypeExtendedEntityMap differently
  • Cache the attr-types lookup on db gotten from entity
  • Wrap entity when emptied


Copyright © Anders Furseth and Magnar Sveen, since 2018

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A Clojure library that wraps Datomic API functions to add type extensions.






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