Animated wavy Material Slider and progress/seek bar similar to the one used in Android 13 media controls.
It has curly, wobbly, squiggly, wiggly, jiggly, wriggly, dancing movements.
Some users call it the sperm.
The library can be used in Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform projects like
a regular Material Slider.
Supported target platforms are Android, iOS, Desktop (JVM), and JavaScript (Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Wasm).
For a live, interactive Web demo go to https://mahozad.ir/wavy-slider.
For real-world apps in various platforms using the library, see the showcase directory.
Setup for multiplatform projects
If you target a subset of the library supported platforms, add the library to your common source set:
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonMain.dependencies {
// ...
If you have targets that are not supported by the library, add the library separately to each supported target:
kotlin {
val desktopMain /* OR jvmMain */ by getting {
dependencies {
// ...
androidMain.dependencies {
// ...
// Other targets...
Using the WavySlider is much like using the Material Slider (you can even make it a regular flat Slider):
import ir.mahozad.multiplatform.wavyslider.material3.WavySlider as WavySlider3
import ir.mahozad.multiplatform.wavyslider.material.WavySlider as WavySlider2
import ir.mahozad.multiplatform.wavyslider.WaveDirection.*
fun MyComposable() {
var fraction by remember { mutableStateOf(0.5f) }
WavySlider3( // OR WavySlider2( see the imports above that use "as ..."
value = fraction,
onValueChange = { fraction = it },
waveLength = 16.dp, // Set this to 0.dp to make the Slider flat
waveHeight = 16.dp, // Set this to 0.dp to make the Slider flat
waveVelocity = 15.dp to HEAD, // Speed per second and its direction
waveThickness = 4.dp, // Defaults to 4.dp irregardless of variant
trackThickness = 4.dp, // Defaults to a thickness based on variant
incremental = false, // Whether to gradually increase waveHeight
// animationSpecs = ... // Customize various animations of the wave
// Other options that are available in standard Material 2/3 Slider
- AOSP native squiggly progress: Main branch ❖ Android 14 ❖ Android 13
- LinearWavyProgressIndicator (available since Material 3 v1.4.0-alpha01)
- Squiggly slider (Android-only): https://github.com/saket/squiggly-slider
- Wave slider (Android-only): https://github.com/galaxygoldfish/waveslider
- Squiggly seekbar (Flutter): https://github.com/hannesgith/squiggly_slider
- Sliders with custom styles: https://github.com/krottv/compose-sliders
- Customizable seeker/slider: https://github.com/2307vivek/Seeker
- Squiggly text underlines: https://github.com/saket/ExtendedSpans
- Waveform seekbar: https://github.com/massoudss/waveformSeekBar
- Colorful sliders: https://github.com/SmartToolFactory/Compose-Colorful-Sliders
- StackOverflow posts: