Al-Hiyal Automation Limited
- Bangladesh
- 6h ahead - in/mahrazhasnat
- mahrazhasnat
- mehraz_hasnat
This app is to track the charity funds . Users will give payment via bkash and provide the amount and transactionid of payment. There information will be saved after verifying their payment history…
BanglaTextFromImage Public
Bangla text extraction from images using OCR Engine like IronOcr, Google Tesseract
This is a simple project about student and course where we can do CRUD Operations. The goal is to learn CRUD Operations using C#, ASP.NET Framework.
C# UpdatedApr 26, 2023 -
Teacher-review-WebApp Public
A Web Application to provides reviews about teacher.
Computer-Networks Public
A Network System Design in a University with Cisco Packet Tracer.
hackerrank-sql Public
Hackerrank SQL Preparation Solutions with Questions | Basic SQL Query.
2 UpdatedDec 25, 2022 -
python-basic-codes Public
All of my codes from begining to advance, that I learned in "IT Automation with Python" will be uploaded here.