This is a simple guide on how to connect to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID in a sample Quarkus application using camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
The sample app outputs the content of a blob in an Azure Storage Account container to the console:
public class Routes extends RouteBuilder {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Routes.class);
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
String endpoint;
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
String accountName;
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
String containerName;
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
String blobName;
public void configure() {
* See references:
* -
* -
BlobServiceClient client = new BlobServiceClientBuilder()
.credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())
getContext().getRegistry().bind("client", client);
fromF("azure-storage-blob://%s/%s?blobName=%s&serviceClient=#client", accountName, containerName, blobName)
.process(exchange -> {
InputStream is = exchange.getMessage().getBody(InputStream.class);
LOG.infof("Downloaded blob %s: %s", blobName, IOUtils.toString(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
It creates a BlobServiceClient
with the DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder
beforehand, and then register to the Camel context so that the camel component azure-storage-blob
can use it to authenticate to Azure Storage Blob.
The invoking of new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build()
creates a DefaultAzureCredential
object, which implements ChainedTokenCredential
including ManagedIdentityCredential
, SharedTokenCacheCredential
, IntelliJCredential
, AzureCliCredential
, WorkloadIdentityCredential
, etc.
The DefaultAzureCredential
tries each credential in order until one of them successfully acquires a token.
Using Microsoft Entra ID, the sample app leverages the AzureCliCredential
locally and WorkloadIdentityCredential
on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to authenticate to Azure Storage Blob.
You need the followings to run through this guide:
- Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
- Azure CLI. If you don't have the Azure CLI installed, see Install the Azure CLI.
- kubectl. If you don't have
installed, see Install kubectl. - Java 17+ installed, e.g., Microsoft Build of OpenJDK.
- Apache Maven 3.9.8+ installed, e.g., Apache Maven.
- Docker installed, e.g., Docker Desktop.
You run the sample app both locally and in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) later in this guide. You need to set up the following Azure resources:
- Azure Resource Group
- Azure Storage Account
- Azure Container Registry
- Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- User-assigned managed identity
Define variables used across the guide. Replace <your unique value>
with your unique value (e.g., mjg120424
), update the LOCATION
if needed, and run the following commands:
UNIQUE_VALUE=<your unique value>
Create an Azure Resource Group for hosting the resources:
az group create \
--location $LOCATION
Create an Azure Storage Account:
az storage account create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--sku Standard_LRS
Retrieve its resource ID:
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RESOURCE_ID=$(az storage account show \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--query 'id' \
--output tsv)
Retrieve its blob endpoint:
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_BLOB_ENDPOINT=$(az storage account show \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--query 'primaryEndpoints.blob' \
--output tsv)
Create a container in the Azure Storage Account:
az storage container create \
--account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME
Upload a sample blob to the container:
echo -n "Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID" > camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob-sample-blob.txt
az storage blob upload \
--file camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob-sample-blob.txt \
--account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME
rm -rf camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob-sample-blob.txt
Create an Azure Container Registry:
az acr create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--sku Basic
Retrieve its login server:
LOGIN_SERVER=$(az acr show \
--query 'loginServer' \
--output tsv)
Sign in to the Azure Container Registry:
az acr login \
Create a user-assigned managed identity, which the AKS cluster uses to connect to Azure Storage Blob:
az identity create \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
Retrieve its resource ID:
IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID=$(az identity show \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
--name ${IDENTITY_NAME} \
--query 'id' \
--output tsv)
Retrieve its client ID:
IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
--name ${IDENTITY_NAME} \
--query 'clientId' \
--output tsv)
Create an Azure Kubernetes Service:
az aks create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--node-count 1 \
--generate-ssh-keys \
Retrieve its resource ID:
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--query 'id' \
--output tsv)
Connect to the AKS cluster:
az aks get-credentials \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--overwrite-existing \
Attach the container registry to the AKS so that the AKS can pull images from the registry:
az aks update \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--attach-acr $REGISTRY_NAME
Connect to Azure Storage Blob in AKS cluster with Service Connector using Workload Identity:
az aks connection create storage-blob \
--connection $CONNECTION_NAME \
--target-id $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RESOURCE_ID/blobServices/default \
--workload-identity $IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID
Define two environment variables that the sample app uses to connect to Azure Storage Blob in AKS later:
echo "service connector service account name: $SERVICE_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME"
echo "service connector secret name: $SERVICE_CONNECTOR_SECRET_NAME"
Note: The values of
are derived from the output of theaz aks connection show --connection $CONNECTION_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n $CLUSTER_NAME --query 'kubernetesResourceName'
command. You should double-check the output of the command and update the environment variables if needed. You may also check the service account name and secret name in the Azure portal:
- Navigate to the Azure portal.
- Go to the Azure Kubernetes Service resource.
- Select Settings > Service Connector.
- Check the service connector you created earlier.
- Select Yaml snippet from the toolbar.
- Find out the service account name and secret name from the highlighted YAML snippet with keywords serviceAccountName and secretRef.
Clone the repo and navigate to the sample app camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
this guide uses:
git clone
cd java-on-azure-samples/camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
When running the sample app locally, the current signed-in user is the Microsoft Entra ID that authenticates to Azure Storage Blob.
Therefore, you need to assign the signed-in user the Storage Blob Data Contributor
role to the Azure Storage Account.
az role assignment create \
--assignee $(az ad signed-in-user show --query 'id' --output tsv) \
--role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
Re-sign in to Azure CLI to make the role assignment effective:
az login
Define the following environment variables that the sample app uses to connect to Azure Storage Blob locally:
Build and run the sample app locally in JVM mode:
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar
You should see the similar output which indicates the sample app successfully authenticates to Azure Storage Blob with your Microsoft Entra ID using AzureCliCredential
2024-12-04 13:37:25,982 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel Quarkus 3.16.0 is starting
2024-12-04 13:37:26,004 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel (Main) 4.8.1 is starting
2024-12-04 13:37:26,059 INFO [] (main) Auto-configuration summary
2024-12-04 13:37:26,060 INFO [] (main) [MicroProfilePropertiesSource] = camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
2024-12-04 13:37:26,562 INFO [] (main) Autowired property: serviceClient on component: azure-storage-blob as exactly one instance of type: ( found in the registry
2024-12-04 13:37:26,599 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel 4.8.1 (camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob) is starting
2024-12-04 13:37:26,613 INFO [] (main) Routes startup (total:1)
2024-12-04 13:37:26,613 INFO [] (main) Started route1 (azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer)
2024-12-04 13:37:26,614 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel 4.8.1 (camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob) started in 13ms (build:0ms init:0ms start:13ms)
2024-12-04 13:37:26,618 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 3.17.2) started in 1.535s.
2024-12-04 13:37:26,619 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Profile prod activated.
2024-12-04 13:37:26,620 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [camel-azure-storage-blob, camel-core, cdi, smallrye-context-propagation, vertx]
2024-12-04 13:37:27,793 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Azure Identity => Attempted credential EnvironmentCredential is unavailable.
2024-12-04 13:37:27,794 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Azure Identity => Attempted credential WorkloadIdentityCredential is unavailable.
2024-12-04 13:37:28,889 WARN [com.mic.aad.msa.ConfidentialClientApplication] (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) [Correlation ID: 4f304040-dab3-46de-9fed-41ca029e65ba] Execution of class failed: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: ManagedIdentityCredential authentication unavailable. Connection to IMDS endpoint cannot be established, Connect timed out.
2024-12-04 13:37:28,890 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) Azure Identity => Attempted credential ManagedIdentityCredential is unavailable.
2024-12-04 13:37:28,896 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) Azure Identity => Attempted credential SharedTokenCacheCredential is unavailable.
2024-12-04 13:37:28,938 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) Azure Identity => Attempted credential IntelliJCredential is unavailable.
2024-12-04 13:37:30,482 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) Azure Identity => Attempted credential AzureCliCredential returns a token
2024-12-04 13:37:30,494 INFO [com.azu.cor.imp.AccessTokenCache] (ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1) {"az.sdk.message":"Acquired a new access token."}
2024-12-04 13:37:32,547 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 13:37:33,374 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 13:37:34,192 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 13:37:35,006 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 13:37:35,823 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
Press Ctrl+C
to stop the sample app.
When running the sample app in AKS, the user-assigned managed identity authenticates to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra Workload ID. You have already set up the connection from the AKS cluster to Azure Storage Blob with Service Connector using Workload Identity.
Define environment variable DEMO_IMAGE_TAG
that specifies the image tag of the sample app. It's also used when deploying the sample app to the AKS cluster later.
export DEMO_IMAGE_TAG=${LOGIN_SERVER}/camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob:1.0
Build the sample app image using extension quarkus-container-image-jib
, and push the image to the Azure Container Registry:
mvn clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.image=${DEMO_IMAGE_TAG}
docker push $DEMO_IMAGE_TAG
Apply the following Kubernetes manifest to deploy the sample app to the AKS cluster. The manifest uses the pre-defined environment variables SERVICE_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
replicas: 1
matchLabels: camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
labels: camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
azure.workload.identity/use: "true"
- env:
value: ${ACCOUNT_NAME}
- name: BLOB_NAME
value: ${BLOB_NAME}
image: ${DEMO_IMAGE_TAG}
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
Verify that the deployment succeeded:
kubectl get deployment camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
You should see the similar output:
camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob 1/1 1 1 20s
Retrieve the pod name:
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
Stream the logs from the pod:
kubectl logs -f $POD_NAME
Press Ctrl+C
to stop streaming the logs.
You should see the similar output which indicates the sample app successfully authenticates to Azure Storage Blob with the user-assigned managed identity using WorkloadIdentityCredential
on AKS:
2024-12-04 05:51:19,578 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel Quarkus 3.16.0 is starting
2024-12-04 05:51:19,581 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel (Main) 4.8.1 is starting
2024-12-04 05:51:19,634 INFO [] (main) Auto-configuration summary
2024-12-04 05:51:19,634 INFO [] (main) [MicroProfilePropertiesSource] = camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob
2024-12-04 05:51:20,213 INFO [] (main) Autowired property: serviceClient on component: azure-storage-blob as exactly one instance of type: ( found in the registry
2024-12-04 05:51:20,245 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel 4.8.1 (camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob) is starting
2024-12-04 05:51:20,257 INFO [] (main) Routes startup (total:1)
2024-12-04 05:51:20,257 INFO [] (main) Started route1 (azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer)
2024-12-04 05:51:20,257 INFO [] (main) Apache Camel 4.8.1 (camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob) started in 11ms (build:0ms init:0ms start:11ms)
2024-12-04 05:51:20,263 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 3.17.2) started in 1.691s.
2024-12-04 05:51:20,264 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Profile prod activated.
2024-12-04 05:51:20,266 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [camel-azure-storage-blob, camel-core, cdi, smallrye-context-propagation, vertx]
2024-12-04 05:51:21,436 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Azure Identity => Attempted credential EnvironmentCredential is unavailable.
2024-12-04 05:51:22,831 INFO [com.azu.ide.ChainedTokenCredential] (Thread-4) Azure Identity => Attempted credential WorkloadIdentityCredential returns a token
2024-12-04 05:51:22,869 INFO [com.azu.cor.imp.AccessTokenCache] (Thread-4) {"az.sdk.message":"Acquired a new access token."}
2024-12-04 05:51:23,068 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 05:51:23,587 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 05:51:24,099 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 05:51:24,616 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
2024-12-04 05:51:25,129 INFO [] (Camel (camel-1) thread #1 - azure-storage-blob://mjg120424sa/mycontainer) Downloaded blob myblob: Demo for connecting to Azure Storage Blob using Microsoft Entra ID
Once you finish the guide, clean up the resources to avoid unexpected charges:
az group delete \
--yes --no-wait
You can also delete the app image from your local Docker:
docker rmi $DEMO_IMAGE_TAG
Learn more about the topics covered in this guide:
- Microsoft Entra ID
- Microsoft Entra Workload ID
- Authenticate Azure-hosted Java applications using DefaultAzureCredential
- Tutorial: Connect to Azure storage account in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Service Connector using workload identity
- Apache Camel Azure Storage Blob Service advanced configuration
- Apache Camel Quarkus Examples