In this article we'll demonstrate how to connect your Quarkus application to Microsoft Azure Active Directory to authenticate and authorize users. We'll show how you can give users access to certain parts of your application by mapping Active Directory groups to application roles.
If you're already familiar with Azure AD and Quarkus OIDC and just want the gist of it, here's what you need to configure. Otherwise, read on below for a full tutorial.
In Azure AD, create an "App registration" for your Quarkus app, and create a client secret. Then add one or more app roles,
and use Azure AD > Manage > Enterprise applications > Your app > Users and roles > Add user/group
to assign users and/or groups
to app roles. To return profile information such as Given Name and Family Name as claims, use
Azure AD > Manage > App registrations > Your app > Token configuration
and add claims to the ID token.
Configure your Quarkus application by adding this to
# Azure AD > Admin > App registrations > Your app > Application (client) ID
# Azure AD > Admin > App registrations > Your app > Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > Value
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<not shown>
# Azure AD > Admin > App registrations > Your app > Directory (tenant) ID
# Regular web app with server side rendering
# Azure AD does not support redirect URIs with wildcards, so we'll use /. Remember to add http://localhost:8080
# and the deployed URL of your webapp in Azure AD > Admin > App registrations > Your app > Redirect URIs
# Get profile and email info as claims
quarkus.oidc.authentication.scopes=profile email
# Azure AD stores your app roles in a claim called /roles, not /groups
# Increase logging to aid debugging
This might be enough to get you started. If not, read on!
Create a new quarkus application using the code generation tool at Be sure
to select OpenID Connect
and RESTEasy Qute
. Click "Generate your application", and download the
generated project as a zip file.
Decompress and open the project in your favorite IDE. You can then start the application
by running ./mvnw quarkus:dev
$ ./mvnv quarkus:dev
__ ____ __ _____ ___ __ ____ ______
--/ __ \/ / / / _ | / _ \/ //_/ / / / __/
-/ /_/ / /_/ / __ |/ , _/ ,< / /_/ /\ \
--\___\_\____/_/ |_/_/|_/_/|_|\____/___/
2021-10-08 14:23:46,994 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) quarkus-ad 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 2.3.0.Final) started in 124.864s. Listening on: http://localhost:8080
2021-10-08 14:23:46,996 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) Profile dev activated. Live Coding activated.
2021-10-08 14:23:47,003 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) Installed features: [cdi, oidc, qute, resteasy, resteasy-qute, security, smallrye-context-propagation, vertx]
Quarkus will generate a class called SomePage
which has a JAX-RS endpoint mapped to /some-page
public class SomePage {
private final Template page;
public SomePage(Template page) { = requireNonNull(page, "page is required");
public TemplateInstance get(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
return"name", name);
Open http://localhost:8080/some-page and you should see the following page:
To enable OIDC within Active Directory, you need to register your application in the Azure portal. Log in to You can use your personal email address or your github account to log in. If you do, an empty Active Directory is set up for you. If you log in with your work account, you may find that there is already an Active Directory set up, which you may or may not have access to configuring.
After logging in, navigate to the Azure Active Directory control panel using the menu in the top-left corner. It should look something like this:
Quarkus needs three parameters to integrate with Active Directory. These are:
To create the values for these parameters, we first need to register our application with Azure AD. Navigate to
Manage/App registrations
in the menu on the left.
Select New registration
, and fill inn the form. Use Quarkus AD
as the application name. We'll also allow
users from any organizational directory to log in.
Important: Register http://localhost:8080 as a redirect URI. As part of the logon process, users will be redirected from our application to Azure AD for authentication. We want to send them back to our application afterwards. Azure AD will not allow any redirect URLs that are not registered. When you deploy your application to another server (not localhost), you will need to add that URL as well. We'll come back to this later. For now, we'll stick with http://localhost:8080, since this will allow us to test the login flow.
Click register. You should now be able to find the app registration by navigating to Manage/App registrations
in the menu on the left.
We can now find the parameters we need to set up Quarkus OIDC. Click on Quarkus AD
to display its details:
The first value we're looking for is the Application (client) ID. In our case, the value is
. Yours will be different.
and add the value for quarkus.oidc.client-id
Next, click Add a certificate or secret
, and then New client secret
. Name it Quarkus AD client secret
and click Add
You should then see it in the list of client secrets:
Copy the value (not the ID) to the clipboard using the small copy-button and set quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret
to that value.
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<the value you just copied>
The last property we need is the Auth Server URL. You'll find that by navigating to Manage/App registrations
and selecting Endpoints
. The value we need is "OpenID Connect Metadata document", but only the part
up to and including v2.0
. Quarkus will add .well-known
, etc, itself.
Copy the value and set quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url
quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret=<not shown>
Reload http://localhost:8080/some-page. In the console, you should see the application restarting, and a line that says that Quarkus is discovering the OpenID Connect configuration
2021-10-08 17:15:49,791 INFO [] (build-5) OIDC Dev Console: discovering the provider metadata at
Before we can enable authentication, we first need to set up the redirect URL. By default, Quarkus will ask Azure AD to redirect the user back to the URL they tried to access before authenticating. However, Azure AD only allows the application to redirect to a configured list of urls. While there is limited support for wildcards, the safest option is to simply redirect the user to an absolute url, and let Quarkus remember where the user wanted to go.
OIDC supports three different flows. These
are called Authorization Code Flow, Implicit Flow and Hybrid Flow. These are mapped to the application
types WEB-APP
in Quarkus OIDC. The main difference between these flows is whether
tokens are exposed to the client. In our case, we're developing a server-side rendered web app.
Add the following to
To force the user to log on, we need to enable authentication on the endpoint. In
, add
the @Authenticated
annotation to the class. After Quarkus OIDC has authenticated the user, a SecurityIdentity
created. Since the page controller is request scoped, it is OK to inject the SecurityIdentity
as an instance member.
Make sure the page template also has access to the SecurityIdentity
by adding it to the page data.
public class SomePage {
private final Template page;
SecurityIdentity identity;
public SomePage(Template page) { = requireNonNull(page, "page is required");
public TemplateInstance get(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
return page
.data("name", name)
.data("identity", identity);
You can then modify the html template to display the name of the user. In page.qute.html
, add the following:
<h1>Hello, {}</h1>
Finally, test it out by navigating to http://localhost:8080/some-page. You should be redirected to Azure AD and asked to log on. You may also be asked to consent to sharing your data with the application.
If all went well, you should see this page:
If all did not go well, you need a bit of debugging information. The first thing to do is to enable
debug logging in the Quarkus OIDC plugin. Add the following to your
You may also want to take a look at the actual JWT tokens received from Azure AD. One way to do it, is to
intercept the SecurityIdentity
creation process by implementing a SecurityIdentityAugmentor
. I use it
for logging the tokens as they are received, but you can also use it to add more information to the
, for instance by querying a user database or parsing additional claims in the token.
public class TokenDebugger implements SecurityIdentityAugmentor {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public Uni<SecurityIdentity> augment(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity, AuthenticationRequestContext authenticationRequestContext) {
if (securityIdentity.getPrincipal() instanceof JsonWebToken) {
JsonWebToken principal = (JsonWebToken) securityIdentity.getPrincipal();
System.out.println("Received token:");
for (String part : principal.getRawToken().split("\\.")) {
String decoded = new String(Base64.decode(part));
return Uni.createFrom().item(securityIdentity);
private String toPrettyJson(String json) {
try {
Object value = objectMapper.readValue(json, Object.class);
return objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(value);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return "";
If you add the TokenDebugger
class to your project and refresh the page, you should see something like
this on the console:
Received token:
"typ" : "JWT",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "l3sQ-50cCH4xBVZLHTGwnSR7680"
"aud" : "827523e9-c5f7-410a-a6e7-8db28d7e3647",
"iss" : "",
"iat" : 1634285978,
"nbf" : 1634285978,
"exp" : 1634289878,
"email" : "",
"idp" : "",
"oid" : "97882ea6-d318-4551-b2cc-eda11a176ad1",
"rh" : "0.AS8A1vPPItqeZEaNcMdZfMGzSukjdYL3xQpBpueNso1-NkcvAHc.",
"sub" : "M-ffvMjipQMfYs6nLepEHPTIlUTTqIkXofB3rTIMpmY",
"tid" : "22cff3d6-9eda-4664-8d70-c7597cc1b34a",
"uti" : "x2m26gilS0OnFhZN4OowAA",
"ver" : "2.0"
Looking at the ID token we received above, we can see that the only information we get about the user
is the email address and a few IDs. Our application can ask for more information from the ID provider
(in this case, Azure AD) by modifying the scope
parameter sent during login.
By default, Quarkus OIDC requests the openid
scope from AD, but there are
more scopes available in all
OIDC implementations, and you can add custom scopes in most ID providers. For now, we'll ask for the
three standard scopes, openid
, profile
and email
. By asking for profile
, we'll get
basic profile information such as the user's name.
On the ID provider side of things, we'll need to configure which information to allow
the application to ask for. In Azure AD, navigate to App registrations
> Quarkus AD
Token configuration
and click Add optional claim
. We want to add email
, given_name
and family name
to the ID token.
You may be asked to turn on the Microsoft Graph permissions. If so, you need to accept.
To make Quarkus OIDC ask for the profile
and email
scopes, we need to add the following to
. Note that the openid
scope is always requested, so we don't need to
specify it explicitly.
quarkus.oidc.authentication.scopes=profile email
Reload http://localhost:8080/some-page, and you should see something resembling this in the logs:
Received token:
"typ" : "JWT",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "l3sQ-50cCH4xBVZLHTGwnSR7680"
"aud" : "827523e9-c5f7-410a-a6e7-8db28d7e3647",
"iss" : "",
"iat" : 1634299970,
"nbf" : 1634299970,
"exp" : 1634303870,
"email" : "",
"family_name" : "Nipen",
"given_name" : "Ove",
"idp" : "",
"name" : "Ove Nipen",
"oid" : "97882ea6-d318-4551-b2cc-eda11a176ad1",
"preferred_username" : "",
"rh" : "0.AS8A1vPPItqeZEaNcMdZfMGzSukjdYL3xQpBpueNso1-NkcvAHc.",
"sub" : "M-ffvMjipQMfYs6nLepEHPTIlUTTqIkXofB3rTIMpmY",
"tid" : "22cff3d6-9eda-4664-8d70-c7597cc1b34a",
"uti" : "UuaRzT-VPUyGgNodlWIzAA",
"ver" : "2.0"
You can then add some more info to the html page:
<h1>Hello, {}</h1>
Given Name: {identity.principal.getClaim("given_name")}
Now that we know the user's identity, we can decide what they're allowed to do. To set up roles
for your application, navigate to Manage > App registrations > Quarkus AD > App roles
and create a new app
To assign roles to users, navigate to Manage > Enterprise Applications > Quarkus AD > Users and groups
Then click Add user/group
. Select the users you want to assign a role, and select one role to assign.
You should see your assigned roles on the Users and roles
screen afterwards.
If you log out and log back in, you should see that your token has been updated with the newly assigned roles:
Received token:
"typ" : "JWT",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "l3sQ-50cCH4xBVZLHTGwnSR7680"
"aud" : "827523e9-c5f7-410a-a6e7-8db28d7e3647",
"iss" : "",
"iat" : 1636023670,
"nbf" : 1636023670,
"exp" : 1636027570,
"email" : "",
"family_name" : "Nipen",
"given_name" : "Ove",
"idp" : "",
"name" : "Ove Nipen",
"oid" : "97882ea6-d318-4551-b2cc-eda11a176ad1",
"preferred_username" : "",
"rh" : "0.AS8A1vPPItqeZEaNcMdZfMGzSukjdYL3xQpBpueNso1-NkcvAHc.",
"roles" : [ "admin", "users" ],
"sub" : "M-ffvMjipQMfYs6nLepEHPTIlUTTqIkXofB3rTIMpmY",
"tid" : "22cff3d6-9eda-4664-8d70-c7597cc1b34a",
"uti" : "eGIjNwQa4UOP9wU2dUwmAA",
"ver" : "2.0"
Let's try to display the roles on page.qute.html
<h1>Hello, {}</h1>
Given Name: {identity.principal.getClaim("given_name")}
{#if identity.roles}
{#for role in identity.roles}
<li>No roles found!</li>
Unfortunately, Quarkus cannot see any roles.
By default, Quarkus OIDC looks for roles in a claim called /groups
. As we can see, Azure AD uses a claim called /roles
This can be configured by setting the following property in
Now that we know the user's identity and their roles, we can finally use it for controlling access to our services.
For a simple (but heavy handed) approach, you can annotate a resource with @RolesAllowed
. Any users not
in the listed roles will receive a 403 Forbidden
Replace the @Authenticated
annotation in
with @RolesAllowed("admin")
and refresh the page. Then
experiment with requiring other roles that your user does not have, and you should get a blank page and the HTTP status 403 Forbidden.
public class SomePage {
private final Template page;
SecurityIdentity identity;
For a more refined approach, you can use identity.hasRole(...)
to display a more user-friendly page if the user
does not have access.
public class SomePage {
private final Template page;
private final Template forbidden;
SecurityIdentity identity;
public SomePage(Template page, Template forbidden) { = requireNonNull(page, "page is required");
this.forbidden = requireNonNull(forbidden, "page is required");
public TemplateInstance get(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
if (identity.hasRole("root")) {
return page
.data("name", name)
.data("identity", identity);
} else {
return forbidden
.data("identity", identity);
<h1>Access denied</h1>
I'm sorry {identity.principal.getClaim("given_name")}, but you do not have access to this page.
Then reload the page, and you should see something similar to this:
We've shown how to configure Azure AD and Quarkus OIDC to enable Role-based Access Control in your Quarkus apps. For more information about securing your Quarkus app, check out
Happy hacking!