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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 14, 2018. It is now read-only.


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Jekyll Site Skeleton

Make New GitHub release GitHub license Gemnasium Travis


Bootstrap a new Jekyll site in less than a minute.

Check out the live demo and its source code!


Bootstrapping a New Project

  1. Clone the master branch of this repository with

    $ git clone --single-branch new-jekyll-site
    $ cd new-jekyll-site

    Optionally, reset to the latest release with

    $ git reset --hard jekyll-site-v1.6.2
  2. Run

    $ ./

    and follow the prompts. This will replace the boilerplate, delete itself, and stage changes for commit. This script assumes the project repository will be hosted on GitHub. For an alternative location, you must update the URLs manually.

  3. Fill in the README Description section.

  4. If choosing a license other than the one provided: update LICENSE.txt, the README License section, package.json, and bower.json with your chosen license.

  5. Add your own favicons from Favic-o-matic to src/_assets/images/favicon/ and overwrite favicon.ico. You can make a quick Font Awesome favicon at FA2PNG.

  6. Further customize the meta data in src/_data/meta.yml.

  7. Lock your dependencies with Gemfile.lock and npm-shrinkwrap.json. Optionally, lock the Ruby and Node.js versions with .ruby-version and .nvmrc.


If you want to pull in future updates from this skeleton, you can fetch and merge in changes from this repository.

If this repository is already set as origin, rename it to upstream with

$ git remote rename origin upstream

and then configure your origin branch as normal.

Otherwise, add this as a new remote with

$ git remote add upstream

You can then fetch and merge changes with

$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master


Note that is just a template for this skeleton. The actual changes for this project are documented in the commit history and summarized under Releases.


$ git clone
$ cd jekyll-site
$ bundle
$ npm install
$ rake dev

Start a LiveReload server in a separate terminal with

$ guard

Navigate to http://localhost:4000.


Source Code

The makenew-jekyll-site source is hosted on GitHub. Clone the project with

$ git clone


You will need Ruby with Bundler and Node.js with npm.

Install the development and Bower dependencies with

$ bundle
$ npm install

Updating requirements

Requirements are version-locked to ensure consistent deploys.

To use the newest allowed Ruby gems, or after updating any gem versions in the Gemfile, update and stage Gemfile.lock with

$ bundle update
$ git add Gemfile.lock

To use the newest allowed Node packages, or after updating any package versions in package.json, update and stage npm-shrinkwrap.json with

$ npm update
$ npm shrinkwrap --dev
$ git add npm-shrinkwrap.json

All Bower components must be set to an explicit version in bower.json (Bower does not support lock-files). They are installed via an npm install hook. Install or update them manually with

$ npm run bower


Run $ rake -T to see all Rake tasks.

rake build    # Generate and test a production build of the Jekyll site
rake clean    # Remove build files with jekyll clean
rake default  # Default task
rake dev      # Start a local Jekyll development server


LiveReload automatically updates the page in your browser when dist/ files change. Start the livereload server in the background with

$ guard

Other Features


Modernizr is included as an npm package. Configure modernizr with modernizr-config.json.

Modernizr will automatically generate src/_assets/javascripts/vendor/modernizr.js via an npm postinstall hook. Regenerate modernizr.js manually with

$ npm run modernizr

If Guard is running, then modernizr.js will be regenerated automatically whenever modernizr-config.json changes.

Meta Tags

Meta tags are included from src/_includes/meta.html. Global default values for meta tags are defined in src/_data/meta.yml. A missing value will not generate the corresponding meta tags.

Meta tags defined by the Open Graph protocol are generated where possible, and meta tags for Twitter Cards are generated from values under and page.meta.twitter.

Pages can override individual values in their front matter by defining them within their own meta key, or according to the following rules.

  • All pages should specify a unique, title in their front matter, but may be used as a default. If page.meta.title exists, it will override page.title.
  • The page's description will prioritize in the following order: page.meta.description, page.preview, page.excerpt, and
  • The page's updated time will prioritize in the following order: page.meta.updated,, and site.time.
  • Keywords are merged with the following priority: page.meta.keywords, page.tags, page.categories, and
  • The image meta tag has two modes: if is given, it will be used as {{ | asset_path }}; but if is given, then it will take priority and be used as {{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ }}. The page-specific tags behave the same.
  • The audio meta tag is page-specific only and used as {{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ }}.
  • The video meta tag is page-specific and has two modes: if is given, it will be used as{{ }}; but if is given, then it will take priority and be used as {{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ }}.
  • The following properties are global and have no page-specific value: name and
  • The following properties are page-specific and have no global value: title, determiner, type, audio, and video.


Please submit and comment on bug reports and feature requests.

To submit a patch:

  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Make changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.


This software can be used freely, see The Unlicense. The copyright text appearing below and elsewhere in this repository is for demonstration purposes only and does not apply to this software.

This site source is licensed under the MIT license.


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.