Content for the Adafruit Python for Microcontrollers newsletter. Its emailed out each week on Tuesdays. Sign up to get them here.
The easiest way to contribute is to email your information and any assets to cpnews(at)adafruit(dot)com.
GitHub contributions are also welcome for those comfortable doing so. Please modify the latest draft
inside the _drafts
directory directly in GitHub rather than fork/clone/branch/edit/PR.
Each draft is in the filename in Markdown format.
Once you are done editing it will ask if you want to make a Pull Request (PR). Do so and add a description.
The post is queued up Monday afternoons after the CircuitPython weekly meeting.
If editing is a bit much, post in the Issues, although an email is preferable and highly recommended.
Please preface all asset filenames for an issue with the date in the format yymmdd then a unique string, re. 20220802neopixel.jpg
Please consider using JPG files for size.
- All images must be <=550px wide
- Please avoid letterboxed images, e.g. images with black bars.
For videos:
All videos must be in moving GIF only. There will be no sound. Longer formats may be on a website and linked in rather than embedded.
- Capture via if necessary
- Convert to GIF with, max 550 px wide, file MUST BE < 1MB in size
To reduce GIF filesize, make them smaller or crop, say to <400px wide, and consider 5 seconds max.
While the newsletter has a CircuitPython/MicroPython/Python on single board computers (SBC) focus, there may be stories about the Python community, tools, and related areas.
Check these places for inspiration: