- Russia, Saint-Petersburg
- http://makryl.com/
wgpu-matrix Public
Forked from greggman/wgpu-matrixFast WebGPU 3d math library
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2024 -
metrica-plugin-cordova Public
Forked from yandexmobile/metrica-plugin-cordovaCordova plugin for Yandex AppMetrica SDK
OpenSimplex2 Public
Forked from KdotJPG/OpenSimplex2Successors to OpenSimplex Noise, plus updated OpenSimplex.
Java The Unlicense UpdatedFeb 13, 2021 -
ABigImage Public
jQuery plugin for viewing big versions of images
adefaultcss Public
Default, light, dark and customizable lightweight CSS themes with reset and typography.
jquery-asynclink Public
jQuery plugin that replaces all needed links and forms with AJAX handlers
HTML Other UpdatedNov 8, 2015 -
APDO Public
Database connection, based on PDO, with lazy connection, custom cacher and logger, simple interface to make queries and referenced data by foreign keys.
node-jasine Public
Node.js HTTP(S) server router with JSIN support
node-jsin Public
JSIN (Javascript Include) - template engine. Server and client side. Includes, layouts. Async compiling. Pre-compiling for browser.
Chrome-Last.fm-Scrobbler Public
Forked from web-scrobbler/web-scrobblerScrobble music videos all around the web!
JavaScript UpdatedJan 4, 2014 -
AParser Public
Simple text parser. Any text format. Low memory usage for large files.
Chrome-Virtual-Keyboard Public
Forked from xontab/chrome-virtual-keyboardhttp://apps.xontab.com/VirtualKeyboard
JavaScript UpdatedDec 21, 2013 -
ATPL Public
Micro include based template engine. Extremely fast. Allows extending, wrapping and pushing templates.
zlib-browserify Public
Forked from brianloveswords/zlib-browserifybrowserifyable zlib implementation for JavaScript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2013