RxJournal augments the popular RxJava library by adding functionality to record and replay reactive streams.
RxJournal is a Maven project so you can clone the project and build in the usual way.
The intention is for this project to make its way into Maven Central (work in progress).
Go to the releases section of the project. With each release there will be an uber jar that you can download with the RXJournal classes and all dependencies.
Once downloaded you can test that it works by running:
java -cp ./rxjournal-x.x.x.jar org.rxjournal.examples.helloworld.HelloWorld
Testing is a primary motivation for RxJournal. RxJournal allows developers to black box test their code by recording all inputs and outputs in and out of their programs.
An obvious use case are unit tests where RxJournal recordings can be used to create
comprehensive tests (see HelloWorldTest for an example). This example makes use of
which allows unit tests to compare their results against previously
recorded results in the journal.
Another powerful use case is to enable users to replay production data into test systems. By simply copying over the journal file from a production system and replaying all or part of the file into a test system the exact conditions of the primary system will be reproduced.
can be recorded on one JVM and can be replayed (in real-time if required) on one or more
JVMs provided they have access to the journal file location.
The remote connection can either read from the beginning of the recording or just start with live updates from the recorder. The remote connection (the 'listener') can optionally write back to the journal effecting a two way conversation or RPC. There can be multiple readers and writers to the journal.
uses Chronicle-Queue (a memory mapped file solution) serialisation meaning that
the process of moving data from one JVM to another is exceedingly efficient and can be achieved
in single digit micro seconds.
If you need to pass data between JVMs on the same machine this is not only the most efficient way to do so but you will also provide you with a full recording of the data that is transferred between the JVMs.
If you have a fast producer that you can't slow down but your consumer can't keep up there are a few options available to your system.
Most often you end up implementing strategies that hold buffers of data in memory allowing the consumer to catch up eventually. The problem with those sort of strategies are one, if your process crashes you lose all the data in your buffer. Therefore if you need to consume the fast data in a transactional manner this will not be an option. Two, you may run out of memory if the buffers get really big. At the very least you will probably need to run your JVM with a large memory setting that many be inefficient. For latency sensitive applications it will put pressure on the GC which will not be acceptable.
See more about this topic below in the Examples section
- Recording to the journal is transactional i.e. no data will be lost if the program crashes
- Recording and playback is so fast that it won't slow down the host program.
- Recording and playback can be achieved without any gc overhead
- RxRecorder can be easily added (or even retro-fitted) into any RxJava project
An RxJournal is created as follows:
RxJournal rxJournal = new RxJournal(String dir);
The directory is the location where the serialised file will be created
allows any RxJava Observable
to be journaled to disk using
the record
RxRecorder rxRecorder = rxJournal.createRxRecorder();
For notes on threading see FAQ below.
is used to playback the journal recording:
RxPlayer rxPlayer = rxJournal.createRxPlayer();
rxPlayer.play(new PlayOptions());
There are a number of options that can be configured using PlayOptions
. These
include filtering the stream by time and stream. Playback speed can also be
controlled using this configuration.
is created and stored to disk using the low latency Chronicle-Queue library.
The data can be examined in plain ASCII using the writeToDisk function:
rxJournal.writeToDisk(String fileName, boolean printToSdout)
Full code example code HelloWorldApp.
package org.rxjournal.examples.helloworld;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import org.rxjournal.impl.PlayOptions;
import org.rxjournal.impl.RxJournal;
import org.rxjournal.impl.RxPlayer;
import org.rxjournal.impl.RxRecorder;
import java.io.IOException;
* Simple Demo Program
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//Create the rxRecorder and delete any previous content by clearing the cache
RxJournal rxJournal = new RxJournal("/tmp/Demo");
Flowable<String> helloWorldFlowable = Flowable.just("Hello World!!");
//Pass the flowable into the rxRecorder which will subscribe to it and record all events.
RxRecorder rxRecorder = rxJournal.createRxRecorder();
RxPlayer rxPlayer = rxJournal.createRxPlayer();
Observable recordedObservable = rxPlayer.play(new PlayOptions());
//Sometimes useful to see the recording written to a file
The results of running this program can be seen below:
[main] INFO org.rxjournal.impl.RxJournal - Deleting existing recording [/tmp/Demo]
Hello World!!
[main] INFO org.rxjournal.impl.RxJournal - Writing recording to dir [/tmp/Demo/demo.txt]
[main] INFO org.rxjournal.impl.RxJournal - VALID 1 2017-05-19T08:52:27.156 Hello World!!
[main] INFO org.rxjournal.impl.RxJournal - COMPLETE 2 2017-05-19T08:52:27.157 EndOfStream{}
[main] INFO org.rxjournal.impl.RxJournal - Writing to dir complete
Items that can be serialised to RXJournal are those that can be serialised to Chronicle-Queue.
These are:
- AutoBoxed primitives, Strings and byte[]
- Classes implementing
- Classes implementing
- Classes implementing
See Chronicle Queue Docs for full documentation
RxJava2 is divided into 2 types of streams Flowable
which support back pressure
and Observable
which do not support back pressure.
In terms of recording, RxRecorder
supports both Flowable
and Observable
. A subscription
is made to either and the data recorded is serialised into RxJournal
On the other hand, RxPlayer
returns an Observable
because by definition there will be
no back pressure to worry about.
The consumer of this Observable can process the events at their own speed backed up the guarantee that every item has been recorded into the journal. If you want only the latest event (the events are replaceable) you can play the Observable into a Flowable that gives you the latest item. You will have a full record of the complete stream of events whether they were dropped or not. You can even record the processed event into the RxJournal again under a different filter. If you want a record of the events that were actually processed.
There are 2 ways you might want to set up your RxJournal
Record your
input intoRxJournal
and then have your processor subscribe toRxJournal
for its stream of events. This effectively insertsRxJournal
into the critical path of your program. This will certainly be the setup if you are using RxJava to handle back pressure. This is demonstrated in the example program HelloWorldApp_JournalPlayThrough -
as a second subscriber to yourObservable
input data. This has the benefit of keeping all functions on the same thread. This might be the setup if you are usingRxJournal
to record data for testing purposes. You might want to use theConnectableObservable
paradigm for cold Observables as you probably don't want RxRecorder kicking off the connection until all the other connections have been setup. This is demonstrated in the example program HelloWorldApp_JounalAsObserver
The RxPlayer
can play
in two modes:
This plays back the stream preserving the time gaps between the events. This is important for back testing and reproducing exact conditions in unit tests.FAST
This plays the events as soon as they are recieved. Use this when you are using RxJournal for remote connections or when using RxJounal to deal with back pressure.
The intention is for RxJournal
to support low latency programs. The two main features to allow
for this are:
- Dedicating a CPU core to RxPlayer by using the FAST setting described above so that we don't have any context switching.
- Setting the PlayOptions.using() so that there is no allocation for new events. This should enable programs to be written that have minimal GC impact, critical for reliable low latency.
There are few core example applications in the code that work through the typical use cases and are worth considering in more detail.
This program demonstrates how to set up a simple 'play through' example.
We have an input Flowable
with a stream of Byte
s. These are recorded in the journal
by RxRecorder
We then subscribe to RxJournal
with RxPlayer
giving us an Observable
of Bytes
which are processed by the BytesToWordsProcessor
. The output of the processor is
also recorded into RxJournal
so we have a full record of all our input and outputs to
the program.
Note that we use recordAsync
rather than record
because otherwise we would
block the main thread until all the event stream had completed recording and only
then would we proceed to process the items. Although in this trivial example
it's hard to see the effect this has I encourage you to play with the INTERVAL_MS
setting to see what happens as you increase the delay to something noticeable.
Then try and change recordAsync
to async
and you will see the effect of
the threading.
We then display the results of the program to stdout as well as writing to a file.
This recording will be valuable when it comes to writing a unit test for
which we'll see in another example.
This is very similar to the last example except that we processes everything
on the same thread. We can do this because rather than the BytesToWordsProcessor
subscribing to RxJournal
it subscribes directly to the Observable<Byte>
This is a less intrusive way to insert RxRecorder into your project but of course will not handle the back pressure problem.
This example demonstrates how to use RxRecorder in a unit test. The journal file
we created in the previous examples is used as input to test the BytesToWordsProcessor
The results of BytesToWordsProcessor
are fed into RxValidator
which compares
the output to the output which was recorded in the journal reporting any
We have effectively black boxed the inputs and outputs to BytesToWordsProcessor
and can
be confident that any changes we make to the processor will not break the existing
This example is designed to show how RxJOurnal can be used to tranfer data between JVMs.
Start HelloWorldApp_JournalPlayThrough
but increase the INTERVAL_MS
to 1000. Then
run HelloWorldRemote
has been configured with this option:
new PlayOptions().filter(HelloWorldApp_JounalAsObserver.INPUT_FILTER).playFromNow(true);
The playFromNow means that it will only consume current events and depending on how long a gap you have between starting the 2 programs you will see output which looks something like this:
In these example programs we deal with the situation where we find ourselves with a fast producer and slow consumer.
In all these example we setup a scenario in FastProducerSlowConsumer
where the
producer emits Long
values every millisecond. We also create a Consumer
processes the Long values with a variable delay which is significantly slower
than the rate that they are being produced.
In other words we have the classic Fast Producer Slow Consumer scenario which needs to be handled by applying back pressure.
The following example programs have all been written to 'solve' the back pressure problem we have created.
Firstly let's consider how RxJava handles back pressure out of the box.
A quick reminder, in RxJava2 the code was split into 2 sections:
- no back pressure. Use when back pressure is not an issue because the code is more efficient not having to deal with this complication.Flowable
- handles back pressure. Use when you have to address the back pressure issue.
Clearly we will only be looking at the Flowable
part of RxJava2 in this example.
This example program demonstrates how the 5 BackpressureStrategy
modes handle back
this will, as its name implies, hold the items in an in-memory buffer waiting for availablility on the consumer to process them. This is good choice for handling spikes in event traffic where the consumer will eventually be able to catch up with the producer. The problems using this strategy are:- If the program crashes the events in the buffer will be lost. Even if the program terminates normally careful attention has o be paid to draining the buffer.
- If the queue builds up too much the JVM will run out of memory and crash.
- It forces the program to run with a large memory setting to hold the buffer which can be a problem for programs where latency is an issue especially coupled with the next point.
- The program will not be able to be designed in an allocation-free manner. Every item will have to be created in a 'new' object which will then put pressure on the GC.
deal with back pressure by making the slow consumer keep up with the fast producer. This is done by dropping events from the stream. This is a good choice where events on the stream are replaceable and you don't need to process every item. The problems with this straegy are:- If you want to back test your program against all the values in the stream to see if you might get better results by processing more events.
- As with buffer you can't write GC friendly code.
deal with back pressure by putting the program into an error state as soon as back pressure is encountered. This is useful when you don't expect any back pressure and you want the program to error on encountering back pressure.
In this program we set up RxJournal
to handle back pressure in the buffer mode
but solving all the problems that we saw with the standard RxJava BUFFER
The FastProducer can be created with
the BackpressureStrategy.MISSING
because we don't expect that the producer will ever be
slowed down by the consumer, which in this case is RxRecorder
The Consumer, rather than subscribing directly to the FastProducer, subscribes to
. Note that RxPlayer.play
returns an Obserable
as there is no need for it to
handle back pressure because bakc pressure has already been applied using RxJournal
as the
Lets look at the problems BackpressureStrategy.MISSING
and see how they are solved.
- Even if the program crashes everything written to RxJournal is safe. The events will be stored
to disk and you can just restart the program and carry on consuming the queue at the point
you crashed. If there is a OS/Machine level issue it is possible that a few messages might
get lost that are waiting to be written to disk.
If that is a problem you should make sure that replication is setup on your system. - There is no in-memory buffer so there is no need to run with extra heap memory and the program
certainly won't run out memory because of
. - When you call
one of the the options isusing
. This allows you to pass in the object that will be used for every event. This means that no new objects will be allocated even if you have millions of items in your stream. (Of course if you want to hole a reference to the event you will need to clone).
In addition to those benefits you will have the ususal benefits of using 'RxJornal' in that you will have a full record of the stream to use in testing and you will be able to use remote JVMs.
As its name implies this demo program shows you how to handle back pressure using RxJournal
but rather than buffer you just want the latest item on the queue.
All you have to do is set up the program exactly as we did in the previous example
but rather than the slow subscriber subscribing to the Observable
that comes from RxPlayer.play
we insert a Flowable
inbetween. The Flowable
is created
with BackpressureStrategy.LATEST
See code snippet from the example below:
//1. Get the stream of events from the RxPlayer
ConnectableObservable journalInput = rxJournal.createRxPlayer().play(options).publish();
//2. Create a Flowable with LATEST back pressure strategy from the RxJournal stream
Flowable flowable = journalInput.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.LATEST);
//3. Record the output of the Flowable into the journal (note the different filter name)
recorder.record(flowable, "consumed");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//4. The slow consumer subscribes to the Flowable
e -> System.out.println("RxRecorder " + " " + e),
() -> System.out.println("RxRecorder complete [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "]")
You might have noticed that as well as the Slow Consumer subscribing to the Flowable to make sure it uses the LATEST strategy we also record the values we actaully consumer into RxJournal.
As with the plain RxJava implementation of LATEST (without RxJournal) the Slow Consumer only sees the latest updates from the Fast Producer. However if you use RxRecorder (as in this example) you have:
- A full record of all the events that were emitted by the Fast Producer.
- A full record of all the events that were actaully consumed by the Slow Producer.
Both these streams can be played back with RxPlayer
by specifying the appropriate filter
in the PlayOptions
when calling play
This leads to being ablse to try the following...
In this example we experiment by replaying the event stream recorded in RxJournal
observing the effects of lowering the latency of the SlowConsumer.
We have a recording of the FastProducer created whilst running RxJournalBackPressureBuffer
The SlowConsumer subscribes to this using a Flowable
with BackpressureStrategy.LATEST
as in the provious example.
When we run with the SlowConsumer at a latency of 5ms we get this result:
Received [100] items. Published item[100]
Received [200] items. Published item[391]
Received [300] items. Published item[791]
Received [400] items. Published item[1175]
Received [500] items. Published item[1560]
Received [600] items. Published item[1946]
Received [700] items. Published item[2340]
RxRecorder complete [3909ms]
The Slow Consumer has managed to consume about 700 events.
If we reduce the latency of SlowConsumer to 3ms we get this result:
Received [100] items. Published item[100]
Received [200] items. Published item[265]
Received [300] items. Published item[491]
Received [400] items. Published item[719]
Received [500] items. Published item[958]
Received [600] items. Published item[1192]
Received [700] items. Published item[1428]
Received [800] items. Published item[1664]
Received [900] items. Published item[2046]
Received [1000] items. Published item[2288]
RxRecorder complete [3666ms]
The Slow Consumer has now managed to consume about 1000 events.
Whilst this is a trivial example I'll let your imagination extend the scenarios to real world situations where this sort of ability to replay data against real load will be invaluable.
Special thanks to my friend and ex-collegue Peter Lawrey for inspiring me with his Chronicle libraries which underpin RxJournal.
To those behind RxJava in particular to Tomasz Nurkiewicz for his talks and book which opened my eyes to RxJava.