Personal repository containing my Advent of Code solutions implemented in .NET. This repository serves as a collection of my problem-solving approaches for various years of the Advent of Code challenge.
Solutions are organized by year and day:
├── Y2023
│ ├── Day01.cs
│ ├── Day02.cs
│ └── ...
├── Y2022
│ ├── Day01.cs
│ └── ...
└── ...
This guide explains how to set up a command-line interface for Advent of Code in ZSH and PowerShell (with Oh My Posh). The CLI provides commands for:
- Setting the current year and day
- Running solutions
- Submitting answers
- Managing session tokens
- Validating session status
Add the following configuration to your ~/.zshrc
# Advent of Code Configuration
export AOC_YEAR=""
export AOC_DAY=""
export AOC_DIR="$HOME/git/advent-of-code"
# Main AOC function
aoc() {
case "$1" in
if [[ -z "$2" || -z "$3" ]]; then
echo "Usage: aoc set <year> <day>"
return 1
export AOC_YEAR="$2"
export AOC_DAY="$3"
echo "Set year to $AOC_YEAR and day to $AOC_DAY"
if [[ -z "$AOC_YEAR" || -z "$AOC_DAY" ]]; then
echo "Year and day not set. Use 'aoc set <year> <day>' first"
return 1
(cd "$AOC_DIR" && dotnet run "$AOC_YEAR" "$AOC_DAY")
if [[ -z "$AOC_YEAR" || -z "$AOC_DAY" ]]; then
echo "Year and day not set. Use 'aoc set <year> <day>' first"
return 1
(cd "$AOC_DIR" && dotnet run "$AOC_YEAR" "$AOC_DAY" -s)
if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
echo "Usage: aoc token <session-token>"
return 1
echo "$2" > "$AOC_DIR/secret"
echo "Session token updated. Validating..."
(cd "$AOC_DIR" && dotnet run ok)
if [[ -n "$AOC_YEAR" && -n "$AOC_DAY" ]]; then
echo "Current configuration:"
echo "Year: $AOC_YEAR"
echo "Day: $AOC_DAY"
echo "\nValidating session token..."
echo "No year and day set. Use 'aoc set <year> <day>' to set them."
echo "\nValidating session token..."
(cd "$AOC_DIR" && dotnet run ok)
# Command completion
_aoc() {
local -a commands
'set:Set the year and day'
'run:Run the current day'
'submit:Submit the current day'
'token:Update session token'
_arguments "1: :{_describe 'commands' commands}"
compdef _aoc aoc
# Shorthand aliases
alias aocr='aoc run'
alias aocs='aoc submit'
After adding the configuration, reload your ZSH configuration:
source ~/.zshrc
Add the following to your PowerShell profile (usually at $PROFILE
# Advent of Code Configuration
$env:AOC_YEAR = ""
$env:AOC_DAY = ""
$env:AOC_DIR = "$HOME\git\advent-of-code"
# Main AOC function
function aoc {
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
switch ($Command) {
"set" {
if (-not $Param1 -or -not $Param2) {
Write-Host "Usage: aoc set <year> <day>"
$env:AOC_YEAR = $Param1
$env:AOC_DAY = $Param2
Write-Host "Set year to $env:AOC_YEAR and day to $env:AOC_DAY"
"run" {
if (-not $env:AOC_YEAR -or -not $env:AOC_DAY) {
Write-Host "Year and day not set. Use 'aoc set <year> <day>' first"
Push-Location $env:AOC_DIR
dotnet run $env:AOC_YEAR $env:AOC_DAY
"submit" {
if (-not $env:AOC_YEAR -or -not $env:AOC_DAY) {
Write-Host "Year and day not set. Use 'aoc set <year> <day>' first"
Push-Location $env:AOC_DIR
dotnet run $env:AOC_YEAR $env:AOC_DAY -s
"token" {
if (-not $Param1) {
Write-Host "Usage: aoc token <session-token>"
$Param1 | Out-File -FilePath "$env:AOC_DIR\secret"
Write-Host "Session token updated. Validating..."
Push-Location $env:AOC_DIR
dotnet run ok
default {
if ($env:AOC_YEAR -and $env:AOC_DAY) {
Write-Host "Current configuration:"
Write-Host "Year: $env:AOC_YEAR"
Write-Host "Day: $env:AOC_DAY"
Write-Host "`nValidating session token..."
else {
Write-Host "No year and day set. Use 'aoc set <year> <day>' to set them."
Write-Host "`nValidating session token..."
Push-Location $env:AOC_DIR
dotnet run ok
# Shorthand aliases
Set-Alias -Name aocr -Value { aoc run }
Set-Alias -Name aocs -Value { aoc submit }
# Tab completion
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName aoc -ScriptBlock {
param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
$commands = @('set', 'run', 'submit', 'token')
$commands | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object {
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_)
After adding the configuration, reload your PowerShell profile:
aoc # Show current configuration and validate token
aoc set 2023 1 # Set the year to 2023 and day to 1
aoc run # Run the current day's solution
aoc submit # Submit the current day's solution
aoc token <token> # Update session token
aocr # Same as 'aoc run'
aocs # Same as 'aoc submit'
The CLI supports tab completion for all commands. Press TAB after typing aoc
to see available commands.
- ZSH shell (Unix) or PowerShell with Oh My Posh (Windows)
- The Advent of Code solution repository should be at:
- Unix:
- Windows:
- Unix:
- .NET SDK installed for running solutions
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.