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Ping Pong

Online multiplayer implementation of the classic Pong game, coded during Christmas 2024.


The app is hosted on and can be accessed on these domains:

  • Client:
  • Server:

Local Development

Instructions for running the applications locally.


The client is built with React and TypeScript, bundled using Vite.


  • Node.js 20 or higher


  1. Go to the client directory
  2. Run npm i
  3. Run npm run dev


The server is implemented in Python using FastAPI as the web framework and PostgreSQL as the database.


  • Python 3.13
  • Poetry
  • Docker


  1. Go to the server directory
  2. Run poetry env use 3.13
  3. Run poetry install
  4. Run uvicorn main:app --reload

Network Protocol

The game uses a binary WebSocket protocol for efficient real-time communication between client and server.

Connection Setup

  1. Client connects to WebSocket endpoint: ws://<server>/game/<room_id>
  2. Server assigns player role ("left" or "right") upon successful connection
  3. Connection is rejected if room is full (2 players already connected)
  4. Game starts automatically when second player joins
  5. Game pauses if a player disconnects and resumes when they reconnect

Game States

  • WAITING: Room has less than 2 players, waiting for more
  • PLAYING: Active game with 2 players
  • PAUSED: Game paused due to player disconnection
  • GAME_OVER: Game ended with a winner (first to 5 points)

Game Specifications

The server provides game specifications needed to set up the playing field through a REST endpoint.


GET /specs

Response Format

  "ball": {
    "radius": 0.02,      // Ball radius as percentage of screen width
    "initial": {
      "x": 0.5,         // Initial X position (0-1)
      "y": 0.5          // Initial Y position (0-1)
  "paddle": {
    "height": 0.2,      // Paddle height as percentage of screen height
    "initial": {
      "y": 0.5         // Initial Y position (0-1)
    "collision_bounds": {
      "left": 0.1,     // X position for left paddle collision
      "right": 0.9     // X position for right paddle collision
  "game": {
    "points_to_win": 5, // Points needed to win the game
    "bounds": {
      "width": 1.0,    // Game field width (normalized)
      "height": 1.0    // Game field height (normalized)

All dimensions are normalized (0-1) so clients can scale them to their actual screen dimensions. These specifications should be retrieved before connecting to the WebSocket to properly set up the game field.

The specifications provide:

  • Ball dimensions and initial position
  • Paddle dimensions, initial position, and collision boundaries
  • Game field dimensions and win condition

Binary Message Format

Client to Server Messages

Command Message

Size: 1 byte

[Message Type]
   1 byte

Message Types:

  • 0x01: Paddle Up Command
  • 0x02: Paddle Down Command

Server to Client Messages

Each server message begins with a message type indicator:

[Message Type]
   1 byte

Message Types:

  • 0x01: Game State Message
  • 0x02: Game Status Message
Game State Message

Size: 20 bytes total

[Message Type][Ball X][Ball Y][Left Paddle Y][Right Paddle Y][Left Score][Right Score][Winner]
   1 byte     4 bytes 4 bytes    4 bytes       4 bytes      1 byte      1 byte     1 byte

Field Types:

  • Message Type: uint8 (1 byte)
  • Ball X Position: float32, big-endian (4 bytes)
  • Ball Y Position: float32, big-endian (4 bytes)
  • Left Paddle Y Position: float32, big-endian (4 bytes)
  • Right Paddle Y Position: float32, big-endian (4 bytes)
  • Left Score: uint8 (1 byte)
  • Right Score: uint8 (1 byte)
  • Winner: uint8 (1 byte)
    • 0: No winner
    • 1: Left player won
    • 2: Right player won
Game Status Message

Variable size message

[Message Type][Length][Status String]
   1 byte     1 byte    variable

Field Types:

  • Message Type: uint8 (1 byte)
  • Length: uint8 (1 byte) - length of status string
  • Status String: UTF-8 encoded string (variable length)

Status String Values:

  • "waiting_for_players": Waiting for more players to join
  • "game_starting": Both players present, game is starting
  • "game_paused": Game paused due to player disconnect
  • "game_over_left": Left player won
  • "game_over_right": Right player won

Example Client Implementation (TypeScript)

interface GameState {
    ball: {
        x: number;
        y: number;
    paddles: {
        left: number;
        right: number;
    score: {
        left: number;
        right: number;
    winner: 'left' | 'right' | null;

class PongClient {
    private ws: WebSocket;

    constructor(server: string, roomId: string) { = new WebSocket(`ws://${server}/game/${roomId}`); = 'arraybuffer';

    private setupHandlers() { = (event) => {
            const data = new DataView(;
            const messageType = data.getUint8(0);

            switch (messageType) {
                case 0x01: // Game State
                case 0x02: // Game Status

    private handleGameState(data: DataView) {
        const gameState = {
            ball: {
                x: data.getFloat32(1),
                y: data.getFloat32(5)
            paddles: {
                left: data.getFloat32(9),
                right: data.getFloat32(13)
            score: {
                left: data.getUint8(17),
                right: data.getUint8(18)
            winner: (() => {
                const winnerCode = data.getUint8(19);
                switch (winnerCode) {
                    case 1: return 'left';
                    case 2: return 'right';
                    default: return null;

    private handleGameStatus(data: DataView) {
        const length = data.getUint8(1);
        const decoder = new TextDecoder();
        const status = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(data.buffer, 2, length));

    public sendPaddleUp() {
        const command = new Uint8Array([0x01]);;

    public sendPaddleDown() {
        const command = new Uint8Array([0x02]);;

    private updateGame(gameState: GameState) {
        // Update game rendering with new state

    private updateGameStatus(status: string) {
        // Update UI based on game status

Example Server Implementation (Python)

See the following modules for the server-side implementation:

  • Protocol encoding/decoding
  • Game room and player management
  • WebSocket endpoint and game loop


No description, website, or topics provided.





Contributors 3
