- Pro
PicoRuby is the smallest Ruby implementation for one-chip microcontrollers
Esoteric programming language where all you've got is a deck of cards
inline-ook allows you to embed Ook! program in Ruby script
1234567890 allows you to write Ruby script by using only numbers.
ruby binding for MiniSat, which is an open-source SAT solver
A linux kernel module that provides /proc/quine/quine.c which is a copy of its own source code
doublehelix obfuscates Ruby codes in Double-helix style
enumerabler enhances Enumerable with methods returning enumerator.
concov helps you comprehend continuous changes of coverage.
simpletrace reduces backtrace by removing path of installed libraries.
RubyInstaller for Windows - Build recipes
prettytrace detects and omits repetition of backtrace, which makes backtrace shorter and smarter.
an implementation of dynamic-wind for ruby's continuation
rirb (remote irb) allows you to attach a running ruby process and to observe/modify global states via an irb prompt.
ThreadFiber is an implementation of fiber using threads.