- Cambridge, UK
- http://www.marcobrandizi.info
A growing collection of bioinformatics tutorials, project guides, tools, and articles I’ve developed to make bioinformatics more accessible.
Building a 'clean room' open-source implementation of Pocket
A Github Action that executes jobs/commands on non-x86 cpu architectures (ARMv6, ARMv7, aarch64, s390x, ppc64le, riscv64) via QEMU
A simple bash script to update an account on no-ip.com
FAIRDataTeam / FAIRifier
Forked from OpenRefine/OpenRefineA tool to make data FAIR
Issue tracker, technical wiki, and example markup
Annotates sample and sample group characteristics, such as organisms or age, with ontology terms obtained via the ZOOMA tool and number/date/range annotations, extracted via some text mining.
A little demo, part of the Linked Open Data Tutorial at http://tinyurl.com/lodtut14
myequivalents is a system to manage cross-references between entities, which is compatible with URIs and the Semantic Web.
Converter/loader utility that works with AGE
Converter/loader utility that works with AGE
jUtils, a miscellanea of small and handy general purpose utilities for Java
graph2tab, a library to convert experimental workflow graphs into tabular formats
marco-brandizi / ISAvalidator-ISAconverter-BIImanager
Forked from ISA-tools/ISAvalidator-ISAconverter-BIImanagerThe ISAvalidator, ISA converter and BII data manager tools
marco-brandizi / BioInvIndex
Forked from ISA-tools/BioInvIndexThe web application, model, database persistence, services package and web services for the BII. Led by Tim Booth (NERC), Eamonn Maguire, Philippe Rocca-Serra (Uni. of Oxford), Mirek Dylag (IT Ment…
The ISAvalidator, ISA converter and BII data manager tools
The web application, model, database persistence, services package and web services for the BII. Led by Eamonn Maguire (Uni. of Oxford) & Philippe Rocca-Serra (Uni. of Oxford).