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Update PowerShell on Azure VMs


This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow to update PowerShell on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). It uses a canary deployment strategy, first updating a set of Development VMs before proceeding to Production VMs.

Workflow Description

The workflow is defined in .github/workflows/update-powershell.yml and is triggered manually using GitHub's workflow_dispatch event. The workflow performs the following tasks:

  1. Update Development VMs:

    • Checks out the repository.
    • Authenticates to Azure using the credentials stored in GitHub secrets.
    • Runs a PowerShell script on a set of Development VMs to update PowerShell to the latest version.
    • If the update is successful, it proceeds to the Production stage.
  2. Update Production VMs:

    • Checks out the repository.
    • Authenticates to Azure using the credentials stored in GitHub secrets.
    • Runs the same PowerShell script on Production VMs.

How to Use

  1. Configure GitHub Secrets:

    • Ensure you have the following secrets configured in your GitHub repository:
      • AZURE_CREDENTIALS: The Azure service principal credentials for authenticating to Azure.
  2. Update the Workflow Configuration:

    • Edit the .github/workflows/update-powershell.yml file to include your specific resource groups and VM names.
    • Replace placeholder values <dev-resource-group>, <dev-vm-name-1>, <prod-resource-group>, <prod-vm-name-1>, etc., with actual names from your Azure environment.
    • Set the requiredVersion parameter to the desired version of PowerShell.
  3. Upload the PowerShell Script:

    • Ensure the PowerShell script Update-PowerShell.ps1 is located in the scripts/ directory within your repository. This script is responsible for updating PowerShell on the VMs.
  4. Trigger the Workflow:

    • Manually trigger the workflow from the GitHub Actions tab in your repository.

PowerShell Script

The Update-PowerShell.ps1 script is responsible for:

  • Checking the current version of PowerShell on the VM.
  • Verifying that there is a recent backup in the Azure Recovery Services Vault.
  • Updating PowerShell to the specified version if necessary.

Example Update-PowerShell.ps1


# Function to get installed PowerShell version
function Get-InstalledPowerShellVersion {
    $version = (Get-Command pwsh.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion
    if (-not $version) {
        $version = (Get-Command powershell.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion
    return $version

# Function to check backup status
function Check-BackupStatus {
    param (

    # Placeholder for actual backup status check
    return $true  # Assume backup exists for demonstration

# Function to install the latest PowerShell version
function Install-LatestPowerShell {
    param (

    # Check current version
    $currentVersion = Get-InstalledPowerShellVersion
    if ($currentVersion -lt $requiredVersion) {
        Write-Output "Updating PowerShell to version $requiredVersion"
        # Example installation command (change as needed)
        Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
        Install-Module -Name PowerShellCore -Force -AllowClobber
    } else {
        Write-Output "PowerShell is already at the required version."

# Main script logic
if (Check-BackupStatus -vaultName $recoveryVaultName -resourceGroupName $resourceGroupName) {
    Install-LatestPowerShell -requiredVersion $requiredVersion
} else {
    Write-Output "No recent backup found. Aborting update."


Update PowerShell on Azure Windows VMs






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