This is a crude, undocumented, set of helpers for generating nice-looking SVG diagrams. The examples/ folder contains some scripts for illustrations in the second edition of Eloquent JavaScript.
It runs as JavaScript in the browser, querying the browser's layout and CSS engines during the generation of the picture. It currently only seems to fully work in Chrome, because FF's often reports bogus bounding boxes for SVG nodes.
This helps in a few ways compared to writing raw SVG:
You can write code, and thus abstract repeated drawing concepts in functions/variables.
Shapes can be positioned by giving any combination of right/left/center/top/bottom/width/height info that fully specifies their position.
Creating a (box) shape returns a rectangle that you can use to base the position of other shapes on.
Declarative z-index ordering (before/behind option).
Some primitives, such as curved arrows, do quite a lot of computation, generating such shapes by hand is a pain.
It handles aligning to pixel boundaries, so the picture looks crisp when not zoomed.