A simple, drag-and-drop task management app inspired by Trello. Organize your tasks into groups (To Do, In Progress, Done) and customize the app's appearance with a color picker.
- Task Groups: Organize tasks into three groups: To Do, In Progress, and Done.
- Drag-and-Drop: You can move tasks between groups by dragging and dropping.
- Customizable Colors: Personalize the appearance by changing button colors with the built-in color picker.
- Local Storage: Tasks are stored locally in your browser, ensuring they're still there even after refreshing the page. Please note, clearing browser chache might reset your preferences and tasks. Your browser can also delete chache after a while, so be careful!
Add a Task
Type a task in the input box under any group and click "Add." -
Move a Task
Drag and drop tasks between groups (To Do, In Progress, Done). -
Delete a Task
Click the X button next to a task to delete it. -
Customize Colors
Click the gear icon (⚙️) to open the color picker and choose your preferred button color.
Main view of the app with tasks organized into groups.
- Visit the domain: https://m-todo-alpha.vercel.app/ (I recommend using on PC, I don't think the drag and drop functionality works on mobile, maybe that's something I should do in the future)
or if you want to run it locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/marindeveloper/ToDo-App/
- Open the index.html file in your browser.
Open an issue or submit a pull request if you want to help improve this kinda mid project lol.
MIT License
- Inspired by Trello's drag-and-drop functionality.
- Used Font Awesome for some icons.