Releases: markedjs/marked
Releases · markedjs/marked
Processes and tools
- The elephant in the room: A security vulnerability was discovered and fixed. Please note, if something breaks due to these changes, it was not our intent, and please let us know by submitting a PR or issue to course correct (the nature of the zero-major release and having security as a number one priority) #1083
- The other elephant in the room: We missed publishing a 0.3.16 release to GitHub; so, trying to make up for that a bit.
- Updates to the project documentation and operations, you should check it out, just start with the README and you should be good.
- New release PR template available #1076
- Updates to default PR and Issue templates #1076
- Lint checks + tests + continuous integration using Travis #1020
- Updated testing output #1085 & #1087
Fix capturing parens
Fixes unintended breaking change from v0.3.14
New year, new home
- Marked has a new home under the MarkedJS org! Other advances soon to come.
- Updated minifier.
- Various parser fixes
New Year, new Marked!
Merry XSSmas
We think with this version we have addressed most, if not all, known security vulnerabilities. If you find more, please let us know.