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Block Merge Based on Time

You can prevent your members from merging pull requests during the specified time
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Block Merge Based on Time

Some organizations have a policy prohibiting their members from merging pull requests because handling troubles after working hours or on holidays would be difficult. This action helps them to ensure such a policy is enforced.

Block Merge Based on Time creates a commit status for each pull request head commit. If the time is during blocking, it creates a commit status with pending. On the other hand, it creates a commit status with success when it's not the time to block. You can circumvent this block with a no-block label by default. This might be useful when you merge pull requests because of an emergency or irregular maintenance.


Create a new workflow like this:

name: Block Merge Based on Time
      - opened
      - reopened
      - synchronize
      - labeled
      - unlabeled
    - cron: "*/30 * * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: read
      statuses: write
      - uses: yykamei/block-merge-based-on-time@main
        id: block
          timezone: Pacific/Honolulu
          after: "17:30, 16:30 on Monday"
          before: 09:00
          base-branches: "(default)"
          prohibited-days-dates: "Sunday, 2021-10-01, 2021-12-29/2022-01-04, H:United States, BH:United States"
      - run: echo pr-blocked=${{ }}
        if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'

Action inputs

These are all available inputs.

Name Description Required Default
timezone Time zone to use. Default is UTC true -
after The time to start blocking merge. You can set exception times for specific days with comma-separated values. For example, the value could be "17:30, 16:30 on Monday, 15:00 on Friday." You can omit the base hour with specific days, so "16:30 on Monday" is also valid. Note you should omit the base hour from both after and before because it assumes the base hour as "00:00" if they are omitted. You will see unexpected behavior if only one parameter includes the base hour. false -
before The time to stop blocking merge. You can set exception times for specific days with comma-separated values. For example, the value could be "09:00, 08:00 on Monday" You can omit the base hour with specific days, so "08:00 on Monday" is also valid. Note you should omit the base hour from both after and before because it assumes the base hour as "00:00" if they are omitted. You will see unexpected behavior if only one parameter includes the base hour. false -
base-branches The comma-separated base branches of pull requests. This tool will block only pull requests from the base branches listed in this parameter. You can set regular expressions surrounding with / like /staging\/.*/ and just set string literals like develop. Also, the value (default) is acceptable, meaning pull requests merged into the default branch will be blocked. The default value is /^.*$/ for backward compatibility. false "/^.*$/"
prohibited-days-dates The comma-separated days or dates to block merge for all day. You can also specify regional holidays with special syntax, such as "H:St. Barthélemy" and "BH:St. Barthélemy", which stand for "holidays of St. Barthélemy" and "before holidays of St. Barthélemy." The word after "H:" or "BH:" is a region name that is listed in src/holidays.json as a JSON key. For example, the value could be "Sunday, 2021-08-01, 2021-08-06/2021-08-10, H:Côte d’Ivoire" false ""
no-block-label The label to indicate the pull request should not be blocked false no-block
commit-status-context The commit status context false block-merge-based-on-time
commit-status-description-with-success The commit status description shown with success false The PR could be merged
commit-status-description-while-blocking The commit status description shown while blocking false The PR can't be merged based on time, which is due to your organization's policy
commit-status-url The commit status URL to describe why this action is conducted false ""
token The GitHub token used to create an authenticated client false GITHUB_TOKEN

Action outputs

  • pr-blocked — A boolean value to indicate the pull reuqest is blocked. This is set only when the pull_request event occurs.

Regional holidays

This tool supports blocking merges based on regional holidays. For example, February 11th is "National Foundation Day" in Japan, you can block merges on such a holiday via prohibited-days-dates with H:Japan. In addition, you can also block on the day before the regional holiday with BH:Japan.

Block Merge Based on Time supports 232 regions, taking advantage of Google Calendar API, and the data is updated periodically. See src/holidays.json to check all available regions.


Please take a look at the It's always a pleasure to receive any contributions 😄

Block Merge Based on Time is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


You can prevent your members from merging pull requests during the specified time

Block Merge Based on Time is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.