Report Annotate
(2)Easily add annotations to your GitHub pull requests based on reports from your tests, linters, etc.
- name: Checkout
id: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run Tests & Lint etc.
run: npm install && npm run test:lint:etc
- name: Report Annotate
id: annotate
if: always() # Run with test/lint failures.
uses: granodigital/report-annotate@v1
reports: |
max-annotations: 20 # Keep the clutter down.
ignore: node_modules/**,dist/** # Ignore patterns for the report search (default).
- name: Annotations created
if: always()
run: |
echo "Total: ${{ }}"
echo "Errors: ${{ steps.annotate.outputs.errors }}"
echo "Warnings: ${{ steps.annotate.outputs.warnings }}"
echo "Notices: ${{ steps.annotate.outputs.notices }}"
You can define custom matchers to parse your reports and create annotations. Currently only XML reports are supported using XPath selectors.
Feel free to open a PR to add support for new report formats or matchers.
See matchers folder for examples.
- name: Report Annotate
id: annotate
if: always() # Run with test/lint failures.
uses: granodigital/report-annotate@v1
reports: my-matcher|reports/*.xml
custom-matchers: |
"my-matcher": {
"format": "xml",
"item": "//testCase",
"title": "oopsie-daisy/@message",
"message": "oopsie-daisy/text()",
"file": "parent::testFile/@filePath",
"startLine": "oopsie-daisy/@line"
Install the dependencies
npm install
Format, test, and build the action
npm run all
This step is important! It will run ncc
build the final JavaScript action code with all dependencies included. If you
do not run this step, your action will not work correctly when it is used in a
workflow. This step also includes the --license
option for ncc
, which will
create a license file for all of the production node modules used in your
For information about versioning your action, see Versioning in the GitHub Actions toolkit.
This project includes a helper script, script/release
designed to streamline the process of tagging and pushing new releases for
GitHub Actions.
GitHub Actions allows users to select a specific version of the action to use, based on release tags. This script simplifies this process by performing the following steps:
- Retrieving the latest release tag: The script starts by fetching the most recent release tag by looking at the local data available in your repository.
- Prompting for a new release tag: The user is then prompted to enter a new release tag. To assist with this, the script displays the latest release tag and provides a regular expression to validate the format of the new tag.
- Tagging the new release: Once a valid new tag is entered, the script tags the new release.
- Pushing the new tag to the remote: Finally, the script pushes the new tag to the remote repository. From here, you will need to create a new release in GitHub and users can easily reference the new tag in their workflows.
Report Annotate is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.