Infinite Scroll with Ajax Load More. The ultimate solution to add infinite scroll functionality to your WordPress powered website.
Use WP Cron to scrape your posted jobs hourly from Paylocity's recruiting subdomain. Generates a JSON file in a subdirectory of your themes uploads folder.
Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates. Intended for use with Roots/Sage (
Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates for Sage 10
The longest maintained Breadcrumb plugin for WordPress
A collection listing all Achievements available on the GitHub profile π
Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects.
DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. π
Build tool that wraps webpack complexity behind an elegant, minimal API
WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and block editor support
Composer package to enable a controller when using Blade with Sage 9
This is a full JavaScript course by Clever Programmer
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