Template is configured to use tailwindcss-cli
to build production-ready CSS files:
brew install tailwindcss
bb tailwindcss:build
bb tailwind:watch
bb tailwind:minify
Build, watch or minify will generate CSS file: resources/public/css/output.css
By default, it's configured to discover Tailwind classes in clj, cljc, and cljs files:
content: [
You can change that in the tailwind.config.js
file, for example, if you have plain HTML with TailwindCSS.
If you have dynamic class names, something that's not a string-like literal - you'll have to use safelist
option, example in the tailwind.config.js
safelist: [
Babashka is used as the tasks runner:
bb tasks
The following tasks are available:
app:precommit Run all checks and tests
app:lint Lint with `clj-kondo`
app:fmt:check Check code format with `cljfmt`
app:fmt:fix Reformat code with `cljfmt`
app:run Start application
app:run:prod Start application in production
app:test Run all tests
app:start Start local instance of service.
app:antq Check for outdated dependencies with `antq`
app:deps Install all dependencies
tailwind:watch Build TailwindCSS in watch mode
tailwind:build Build TailwindCSS output
tailwind:minify Build & minify TailwindCSS