Test utility for Datomic Local.
org.clojars.marksto/datomic-local-tu {:mvn/version "1.0.2"}
Datomic Local provides a way to create clean environments useful for testing.
It does not provide a methodology for how to use it.
This library provides an opinionated way to use :datomic-local
in your tests.
The primary function exposed by the api is test-env
This function returns a test environment.
A test environment will contain a Datomic client, created by Datomic Local,
that can be cleaned up by simply calling .close
A test environment is typically used within a with-open
(require '[datomic-local-tu.core :as datomic-local-tu]
'[datomic.client.api :as d])
(with-open [db-env (datomic-local-tu/test-env)]
(let [_ (d/create-database (:client db-env) {:db-name "test"})
conn (d/connect (:client db-env) {:db-name "test"})
_ (d/transact conn {:tx-data [{:db/ident ::name
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]})
{:keys [tempids]} (d/transact conn {:tx-data [{:db/id "a"
::name "hi"}]})]
(d/pull (d/db conn)
(get tempids "a"))))
=> #:example1{:name "hi"}
If you would prefer to manage the lifecycle, use new-env
to generate a new,
random system and cleanup-env!
to remove the associated resources.
Alternatively, you can use test-env with fixtures.
See examples/example_fixture.clj
for the complete example.
(def ^:dynamic *client* nil)
(defn client-fixture
(with-open [db-env (datomic-local-tu/test-env)]
(binding [*client* (:client db-env)]
(use-fixtures :each client-fixture)
Kenny Williams @kennyjwilli