** This library is experimental and for testing and educational use only **
A library that adapts Helidon Níma for the Clojure Ring library.
The main argument for Níma is that it's based on new (available from JDK 19 onwards) virtual threads. The virtual thread in Java is a lightweight thread that does not consume a platform thread. This enables async programming with the same API as traditional blocking APIs. This means that applications using virtual threads can freely use the existing blocking I/O operations and still be fully async.
For ring
, this means that you can forego the use of async handlers and still get all the benefits of async.
Helidon Nima is a very efficient and fast WebServer, for more information about the performance of Nima see https://medium.com/helidon/helidon-n%C3%ADma-helidon-on-virtual-threads-130bb2ea2088#f3b5
More information about virtual threads can be found in the links below:
Alpha release, subject to changes and no guarantees of updates.
Add nima-ring as a dependency to your deps.edn
io.github.metosin/nima-ring {:git/tag "0.0.4"
:git/sha "cb693d4"}
Start the server:
(ns my-app
(:require [metosin.nima-ring.server :as nima]))
(defn handler [req]
{:status 200
:body "Hello"})
(def server (nima/create-server handler {:port 8080}))
(println "Server listening on port" (nima/port server))
The create-server
function accepts a ring handler function or routing data, and optionally a
configuration map. Configuration can contain:
- The hostname or string IP address to bind the server (defaults to "localhost"):port
- The local port server should listen (defaults to 0):media-context
- MediaContext to use for content negotiation
When the port is 0 the server binds to any available port (very handy in testing).
The return value is an server object. The metosin.nima-ring.server
provides functions that take server object as argument. These are:
- Returns the instance ofio.helidon.nima.webserver.WebServer
- Returns the local port the server is bind torunning?
- Returnstrue
if server is running, otherwise returnsfalse
- Closes the server
The server object also implements the java.io.Closeable
interface, so you can use the
standard clojure clojure.core/with-open
to open and automatically close the server. This
is quite handy in testing.
[x] SSE support [ ] WebSocket support [ ] HTTPS [ ] API docs [ ] Perf tests [ ] Split lib into multiple smaller libs [ ] grpc
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Available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0, see LICENSE