Starred repositories
lambdaisland / specmonstah
Forked from reifyhealth/specmonstahSpecmonstah will eat the face off your test fixtures
ring-clojure / ring-mock
Forked from weavejester/ring-mockLibrary to create mock Ring requests for unit tests
A fly.io example for Clojure
zonkyio / embedded-postgres
Forked from opentable/otj-pg-embeddedJava embedded PostgreSQL component for testing
thheller / eelchat
Forked from jacobobryant/eelchatThe world's finest discussion platform
HealthSamurai / matcho
Forked from niquola/matchoSimpliest pattern matching you've ever seen
HealthSamurai / ironhide
Forked from abcdw/ironhideIronhide, the data transformer
rm-hull / monet
Forked from ibdknox/monetA ClojureScript visual library
Serializable functions in Clojure
AppsFlyer / cloffeine
Forked from willcohen/cloffeineSimple and stupid clojure wrapper around Caffeine Cache
weavejester / dependency
Forked from stuartsierra/dependencyA data structure for representing dependency graphs in Clojure
Demo project to show the integration of spring-boot and Hashicorp Vault
jgrapht / jgrapht
Forked from lingeringsocket/jgraphtMaster repository for the JGraphT project
oktadev / okta-spring-webflux-react-example
Forked from joshlong-attic/matt-and-josh-react-reactivelyReactive Spring WebFlux API + Real-time React