$ git clone https://github.com/openshift/openshift-sdn.git
$ git clone https://github.com/openshift/cluster-network-operator.git
$ make build-image-sdn-test
This will call podman under the hood and it'll create an image with your changes for openshift/sdn
$ podman push sdn-test quay.io/<your_quay_user>/sdn-test:latest
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 5d372c8d2def done
Copying blob f8c626b0e778 done
Copying blob 660ab9198463 done
Copying blob 9ed8d791092a done
Copying blob b174dfe5972b done
Copying blob 0ccfac04663b skipped: already exists
Copying blob 577bed1928c2 done
Copying blob d2af519c9d8e done
Copying blob 25cd2a8f7dec done
Copying blob 08fc1691d013 done
Copying blob 95b8292eb455 done
Copying config cff2b47201 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Copying config cff2b47201 [--------------------------------------] 0.0b / 4.5KiB
Writing manifest to image destination
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
- Create a directory for your deployment
$ mkdir /tmp/deployment
- Get your openshift-install binary and your pull-secrets
- Go to your Cluster Network Operator (CNO) Directory
- Run hack/run-locally
$ hack/run-locally.sh -i <your_openshift_install_path> -c <your_install_directory> -n <sdn|ovn> -m <your_quay_image_path>
This assumes you already have a PR around, and access to cluster-bot under the CoreOS Slack channel.
Just query cluster-bot and send him a message with the following:
launch openshift/sdn#<PR_NUMBER> aws
update_cno ()
oc patch clusterversion version --type json -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/overrides","value":[{"kind":"Deployment","group":"apps","name":"network-operator","namespace":"openshift-network-operator","unmanaged":true}]}]'
custom_sdn ()
oc -n openshift-network-operator delete deployment network-operator;
oc -n openshift-sdn set image ds/sdn sdn=quay.io/<your_quay_user>/sdn-test
$ openshift-install destroy cluster --dir <your_install_directory>