This is pulseaudio-dlna. A lightweight streaming server which brings DLNA / UPNP and Chromecast support to PulseAudio and Linux. It can stream your current PulseAudio playback to different UPNP devices (UPNP Media Renderers) or Chromecasts in your network. Its main goals are: easy to use, no configuration hassle, no big dependencies.
UPNP renderers in your network will show up as pulseaudio sinks.
pulseaudio-dlna is licensed under GPLv3.
pulseaudio-dlna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
pulseaudio-dlna is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with pulseaudio-dlna. If not, see <>.
master - (2017-04-06)
- Fixed a bug where the detection of DLNA devices failed when there were multiple network interfaces
- The application now binds to all interfaces by default
- When using multiple network interfaces the appropriate network address is being used for streaming (new dependency
(preferred) orpython-netaddr
(fallback)) - Migrated to GI bindings (removed dependencies
, new dependencypython-gi
, new optional dependenciesgir1.2-rsvg-2.0
) - Fixed a bug where devices with the same name could keep updating each other
- Fixed a bug where codec bit rates could not be set although those were supported
- Fixed a bug where a missing xml attribute prevented xml parsing
- Added the
option - Disabled mimetype check for virtual Raumfeld devices
- Subprocesses now always exit gracefully
- Added the
option - Added pulseaudio as an encoder backend (experimental)
- You can now just start one instance of pulseaudio-dlna
- Fixed a bug where non-ascii characters in $PATH broke
- Also use environment's
for detecting the DBus socket - The detection of the stream servers host address now uses the systems routing table
- Because of devices with a kernel < 3.9,
python-zeroconf >= 0.17.4
is now required
0.5.2 - (2016-04-01)
- Catched an exception when record processes cannot start properly
0.5.1 - (2016-04-01)
- Fixed the
option - Prioritize mp3 over flac for Chromecasts
- Fixed the
- - (2016-03-09)
- Readded manpage
0.5.0 - (2016-03-09)
- Set Yamaha devices to the appropriate mode before playing (thanks to hlchau) (new dependency:
) - Fixed a bug where some SSDP messages could not get parsed correctly
- Also support media renderers identifying as
- Added the
flag - Added the
flag - Added the
option (new optional dependenciesffmpeg
) - Removed shared encoder processes
- Increased the default HTTP timeout to 15 seconds
- Fixed a bug where manually added renderers could appear twice
- Added device state polling for devices which start playing on their own
- Added the flac encoder for Google Chromecast
- Added support for Google Cast Groups (new dependency
) - Removed dependency
- Fixed a bug where bytes were not decoded properly to unicode
- Set Yamaha devices to the appropriate mode before playing (thanks to hlchau) (new dependency:
0.4.7 - (2015-11-18)
- The application can now co-exist with other applications which are using the port 1900/udp (thanks to klaernie)
- Fixed the daemon mode to support
1.x and 2.x (thanks to klaernie) - HTML entities in device descriptions are now converted automatically
- Faster and more reliable device discovery (new dependency
) - Added the
option, one mode requires (optional) dependenciesgtk
- L16 codecs are now selected better (e.g. needed for XBox 360)
- Fixed a bug where sometimes it was tried to remove sinks twice on cleanup
- Added the
flag - Added the
options - Added the
0.4.6 - (2015-10-17)
- Added support for Google Chromecast Audio (thanks to leonhandreke)
- Fixed a bug where devices which does not specifiy control urls made the application crash
- Added the
flag - Added the
option - You can now also add rules to renderers (e.g.
) - Fixed a bug where stream urls where not parsed correctly
- Fixed a bug which made a Chomecast Audio throwing exceptions while stopping
- Fixed a bug where the system's default encoding could not be determined when piping the applications output
- - (2015-09-21)
- Fixed a bug where the encoding of SSDP headers was not detected correctly (new dependency:
- Fixed a bug where the encoding of SSDP headers was not detected correctly (new dependency:
- - (2015-09-20)
- Added a missing dependency
(thanks to Takkat-Nebuk)
- Added a missing dependency
0.4.5 - (2015-09-20)
- Exceptions while updating sink and device information from pulseaudio are now handled better
- Changed
flag to--fake-http-content-length
to also support HTTP 1.1 requests - Fixed a bug where the supported device mime types could not get parsed correctly
- Fixed a bug where the device UUID was not parsed correctly
- Fixed a bug where just mime types beginning with
where accepted, but not e.g.application/ogg
- The stream server will now respond with 206 when receiving requests with
header - UPNP control commands have now a timeout of 10 seconds
- Fixed a bug where the wrong stream was removed from the stream manager
- Fixed several bugs caused by purely relying on stopping actions for the devices idle state
- Added L16 Encoder
- The encoder option can now handle multiple options separated by comma
- Added the
flag - Fixed a bug where the dbus session was bound from the wrong process
- Fix a bug where the wrong device UDN was retrieved from XML documents containing multiple devices
0.4.4 - (2015-08-07)
- Added
option - Fixed a bug with applications which remove and re-add streams all the time
- Added a missing dependency
- Added
0.4.3 - (2015-08-02)
- Fixed a bug when trying to terminate an encoder process
- Catch exceptions when trying to update pulseaudio sinks
- Fixed a timing issue where the streamserver was not ready but devices were already instructed to play
0.4.2 - (2015-08-02)
- The mp3 encoder is now prioritize over wav
- Added
option - Wav encoders do not longer share their encoder process
0.4.1 - (2015-07-27)
- Fixed Makefile for launchpad
0.4.0 - (2015-07-27)
- Added the
option - The application can now run as root
- Catch pulseaudio exceptions for streams, sinks and modules when those are gone
- Fixed a bug where a missing ssdp header field made the application crash
- New devices are added now during runtime (thanks to coder-hugo)
- Rewrite of the streaming server
- Upnp devices can now request their audio format based on their capabilities
- Added AAC encoder
- If a device stops playing, the streams currently playing on the corresponding sink are switched back to the default sink
- If a device failes to start playing, streams currently playing on the corresponding sink are switched back to the default sink
- Added Chromecast support (new dependency:
) - Fixed a bug where the application crashed when there was no suitable encoder found
- Added the
option - Added additional headers for DLNA devices
- Added switch back mode also for sinks, not just for streams (new dependency:
) - Added better logging
- Validate encoders for installed dependencies
- Added the
0.3.5 - (2015-04-09)
- Fixed a bug where Sonos description XML could not get parsed correctly
0.3.4 - (2015-03-22)
- Fixed Makefile for launchpad
0.3.3 - (2015-03-22)
- Added the
option - Send 2 SSDP packets by default for better UPNP device discovery
- Added virtualenv for local installation
- Added the
0.3.2 - (2015-03-14)
- Added the Opus Encoder (new dependency:
) (thanks to MobiusHorizons) - Fixed a bug where an empty UPNP device name made the application crash
- Added a missing dependency (
- Added the Opus Encoder (new dependency:
0.3.1 - (2015-02-13)
- Fixed a bug so that AVTransports other than 1 can be used (thanks to martin-insulander-info)
0.3.0 - (2015-02-01)
- Added debian packaging
- Added proper signal handlers (new dependency:
) - Fixed a bug where binding to an already used port made the application crash
- HTTP charset encoding is now specified correctly
0.2.4 - (2015-01-25)
- Stream changes are now handled correctly (thanks to Takkat-Nebuk)
0.2.3 - (2015-01-21)
- Fixed a timing bug where the pulseaudio module was not loaded fast enough (thanks to Takkat-Nebuk)
0.2.2 - (2015-01-18)
- Fixed encoding issues
- Try to load the DBus module if it is not loaded before (thanks to Takkat-Nebuk)
0.2.1 - (2015-01-11)
- TTL changed to 10 and timeout to 5 for UDP broadcasting
- Added the
option to manually add UPNP devices via their control url - Added the
flag - The host ip address is now discovered automatically, no need to specifiy
Supported Ubuntu releases:
- 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)
- 16.10 (Yakkety Yak)
- 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)
- 14.04.2 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
Ubuntu users can install pulseaudio-dlna via the following repository.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qos/pulseaudio-dlna
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-dlna
After that you can start pulseaudio-dlna via:
Head over the the using section for further instructions.
Some community members are providing packages for others distributions. Keep in mind that since i am not using those, i can hardly support them!
- Arch Linux
- openSUSE (.rpm)
- Fedora - RHEL - CentOS - EPEL
- Debian
Other linux users can clone this git repository, make sure you have all the dependencies installed and the PulseAudio DBus module is loaded.
These are the requirements pulseaudio-dlna acutally needs to run. These dependencies will get installed if you install it via the PPA.
- python2.7
- python-pip
- python-setuptools
- python-dbus
- python-docopt
- python-requests
- python-setproctitle
- python-gi
- python-protobuf
- python-notify2
- python-psutil
- python-concurrent.futures
- python-chardet
- python-netifaces
- python-pyroute2 | python-netaddr
- python-lxml
- python-zeroconf
- vorbis-tools
- sox
- lame
- flac
- faac
- opus-tools
You can install all the dependencies in Ubuntu via:
sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-pip python-setuptools python-dbus python-docopt python-requests python-setproctitle python-gi python-protobuf python-notify2 python-psutil python-concurrent.futures python-chardet python-netifaces python-pyroute2 python-netaddr python-lxml python-zeroconf vorbis-tools sox lame flac faac opus-tools
Since version 0.2.2 the DBus module should be loaded automatically, if it was not loaded before. It that does not work, you can load the DBus module in Ubuntu via the following command. Note that you have to do this every time you restart PulseAudio (or your computer).
pacmd load-module module-dbus-protocol
Or to make changes persistant edit the file /etc/pulse/
with your
favorite editor and append the following line:
load-module module-dbus-protocol
The recommend method of using pulseaudio-dlna is to install it local to a python virtualenv. In that way you will keep your system clean. If you don't like it anymore, just delete the folder. For that method you need some additional dependencies.
- python-virtualenv (Ubuntu <= 14.04 Trusty LTS)
- virtualenv (Ubuntu >= 14.10 Utopic)
- python-dev
So all Ubuntu versions prior to 14.10 Utopic need to install:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv python-dev
All Ubuntu versions above install:
sudo apt-get install virtualenv python-dev
Change to the project root folder and start the installation via:
After that you can start pulseaudio-dlna via:
Since some people like it more to install software globally, you can do that too. In many software projects this is the default installation method.
Change to the root folder and start the installation via:
make install
After that you can start pulseaudio-dlna via:
pulseaudio-dlna should detect the ip address your computer is reachable within
your local area network. If the detected ip address is not correct or there
were no ips found, you still can specifiy them yourself via the host
option (--host <your-ip>
Right after startup it should start searching for UPNP devices in your LAN and add new PulseAudio sinks. After 5 seconds the progress is complete and you can select your UPNP renderers from the default audio control.
In case you just want to stream single audio streams to your UPNP devices you
can do this via pavucontrol
You can install pavucontrol
in Ubuntu via the following command:
sudo apt-get install pavucontrol
Note that pulseaudio-dlna has to run all the time while you are listening to your music. If you stop pulseaudio-dlna it will cleanly remove the created UPNP devices from PulseAudio and your UPNP devices will stop playing.
Since 0.4, new devices are automatically discovered as they appear on the network.
pulseaudio-dlna [--host <host>] [--port <port>][--encoder <encoders> | --codec <codec>] [--bit-rate=<rate>]
[--encoder-backend <encoder-backend>]
[--renderer-urls <urls>]
[--request-timeout <timeout>]
[--chunk-size <chunk-size>]
[--msearch-port=<msearch-port>] [--ssdp-mx <ssdp-mx>] [--ssdp-ttl <ssdp-ttl>] [--ssdp-amount <ssdp-amount>]
[--cover-mode <mode>]
[--fake-http10-content-length] [--fake-http-content-length]
[--disable-switchback] [--disable-ssdp-listener] [--disable-device-stop] [--disable-workarounds] [--disable-mimetype-check]
pulseaudio-dlna [--host <host>] [--create-device-config] [--update-device-config]
[--msearch-port=<msearch-port>] [--ssdp-mx <ssdp-mx>] [--ssdp-ttl <ssdp-ttl>] [--ssdp-amount <ssdp-amount>]
pulseaudio-dlna [-h | --help | --version]
--create-device-config Discovers all devices in your network and write a config for them.
That config can be editied manually to adjust various settings.
You can set:
- Device name
- Codec order (The first one is used if the encoder binary is available on your system)
- Various codec settings such as the mime type, specific rules or
the bit rate (depends on the codec)
A written config is loaded by default if the --encoder and --bit-rate options are not used.
--update-device-config Same as --create-device-config but preserves your existing config from being overwritten
--host=<host> Set the server ip.
-p --port=<port> Set the server port [default: 8080].
-e --encoder=<encoders> Deprecated alias for --codec
-c --codec=<codecs> Set the audio codec.
Possible codecs are:
- mp3 MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3)
- ogg Ogg Vorbis (OGG)
- flac Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
- wav Waveform Audio File Format (WAV)
- opus Opus Interactive Audio Codec (OPUS)
- aac Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)
- l16 Linear PCM (L16)
--encoder-backend=<encoder-backend> Set the backend for all encoders.
Possible backends are:
- generic (default)
- ffmpeg
- avconv
-b --bit-rate=<rate> Set the audio encoder's bitrate.
--filter-device=<filter-device> Set a name filter for devices which should be added.
Devices which get discovered, but won't match the
filter text will be skipped.
--renderer-urls=<urls> Set the renderer urls yourself. no discovery will commence.
--request-timeout=<timeout> Set the timeout for requests in seconds [default: 15].
--chunk-size=<chunk-size> Set the stream's chunk size [default: 4096].
--ssdp-ttl=<ssdp-ttl> Set the SSDP socket's TTL [default: 10].
--ssdp-mx=<ssdp-mx> Set the MX value of the SSDP discovery message [default: 3].
--ssdp-amount=<ssdp-amount> Set the amount of SSDP discovery messages being sent [default: 5].
--msearch-port=<msearch-port> Set the source port of the MSEARCH socket [default: random].
--cover-mode=<mode> Set the cover mode [default: default].
Possible modes are:
- disabled No icon is shown
- default The application icon is shown
- distribution The icon of your distribution is shown
- application The audio application's icon is shown
--debug enables detailed debug messages.
--auto-reconnect If set, the application tries to reconnect devices in case the stream collapsed
--fake-http-content-length If set, the content-length of HTTP requests will be set to 100 GB.
--disable-switchback If set, streams won't switched back to the default sink if a device disconnects.
--disable-ssdp-listener If set, the application won't bind to the port 1900 and therefore the automatic discovery of new devices won't work.
--disable-device-stop If set, the application won't send any stop commands to renderers at all
--disable-workarounds If set, the application won't apply any device workarounds
--disable-mimetype-check If set, the application won't check the device's mime type capabilities
-v --version Show the version.
-h --help Show the help.
will start pulseaudio-dlna on port 8080 and stream your PulseAudio streams encoded with mp3.pulseaudio-dlna --encoder ogg
will start pulseaudio-dlna on port 8080 and stream your PulseAudio streams encoded with Ogg Vorbis.pulseaudio-dlna --port 10291 --encoder flac
will start pulseaudio-dlna on port 10291 and stream your PulseAudio streams encoded with FLAC.pulseaudio-dlna --filter-device 'Nexus 5,TV'
will just use devices named Nexus 5 or TV even when more devices got discovered.pulseaudio-dlna --renderer-urls
won't discover upnp devices by itself. Instead it will search for upnp renderers at the specified locations. You can specify multiple locations via urls seperated by comma (,). Most users won't ever need this option, but since UDP multicast packages won't work (most times) over VPN connections this is very useful if you ever plan to stream to a UPNP device over VPN.
Most times the automatic discovery of supported device codecs and their prioritization works pretty good. But in the case of a device which does work out of the box or if you don't like the used codec you can adjust the settings with a device configuration.
If you want to create a specific configuration for your devices you can do
that via the --create-device-config
flag. It will search for devices on
your network and write a config for them. It will look for / write them at:
The purpose of this is that the application should do the most work for the user. You just have to edit the file instead of writing it completely on your own.
Let's make an example:
I started the application via pulseaudio-dlna --create-device-config
that is what was discovered:
"uuid:e4572d54-c2c7-d491-1eb3-9cf17cf5fe01": {
"rules": [],
"flavour": "DLNA",
"name": "Device name",
"codecs": [
"rules": [],
"bit_rate": null,
"identifier": "mp3",
"mime_type": "audio/mpeg"
"rules": [],
"identifier": "flac",
"mime_type": "audio/flac"
"channels": 2,
"rules": [],
"identifier": "l16",
"sample_rate": 48000,
"mime_type": "audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2"
"channels": 2,
"rules": [],
"identifier": "l16",
"sample_rate": 44100,
"mime_type": "audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2"
"channels": 1,
"rules": [],
"identifier": "l16",
"sample_rate": 44100,
"mime_type": "audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1"
It was detected that the device supports the following codecs:
If you don't change the configuration at all, it means that the next time you start pulseaudio-dlna it will automatically use those codecs for that device. The order of the list also defines the priority. It will take the first codec and use it if the appropriate encoder binary is installed on your system. If the binary is missing it will take the next one. So here the mp3 codec would be used, if the lame binary is installed.
You can also change the name of the device, adjust the mime type or set the
bit rate. A null
value means default, for bit rates this
is set to 192 Kbit/s.
In that case I want to rename my device to "Living Room". Besides that I don't want the L16 codecs, so i simply remove them and i want my mp3 to be encoded in 256 Kbit/s.
"uuid:e4572d54-c2c7-d491-1eb3-9cf17cf5fe01": {
"rules": [],
"flavour": "DLNA",
"name": "Living Room",
"codecs": [
"rules": [],
"bit_rate": 256,
"identifier": "mp3",
"mime_type": "audio/mpeg"
"rules": [],
"identifier": "flac",
"mime_type": "audio/flac"
But as it turns out this device has a problem with playing the mp3 stream
when you don't specify the --fake-http-content-length
flag. Let's say flac
works without the flag. So, you can add a rule for that to that device.
"uuid:e4572d54-c2c7-d491-1eb3-9cf17cf5fe01": {
"rules": [],
"flavour": "DLNA",
"name": "Living Room",
"codecs": [
"rules": [
"bit_rate": 256,
"identifier": "mp3",
"mime_type": "audio/mpeg"
"rules": [],
"identifier": "flac",
"mime_type": "audio/flac"
That's it. pulseaudio-dlna will automatically use that config if you don't
use the --encoder
or --bit-rate
Distorted sound
If you experience distorted sound, try to pause / unpause the playback or changing / adjusting the volume. Some encoders handle volume changes better than others. The lame encoder handles this by far better than most of the other ones.
There is a delay about a few seconds
Since there is HTTP streaming used for the audio data to transport, there is always a buffer involved. This device buffer ensures that even if you suffer from a slow network (e.g. weak wifi) small interruptions won't affect your playback. On the other hand devices will first start to play when this buffer is filled. Most devices do this based on the received amount of data. Therefore inefficient codecs such as wav fill that buffer much faster than efficient codecs do. The result is a noticeable shorter delay in contrast to e.g. mp3 or others. Note, that in this case your network should be pretty stable, otherwise your device will quickly run out of data and stop playing. This is normally not a problem with cable connections. E.g. I have a delay about 1-2 seconds with wav and a delay of about 5 seconds with mp3 with the same cable connected device. You can decrease the delay when using wav or using high bit rates, but you won't get rid of it completely. My advice: If you have a reliable network, use wav. It is lossless and you will get a short delay. If you have not, use another encoder which does not require that much bandwidth to make sure your device will keep playing. Of course you will be affected from a higher delay.
My device does not get discovered by pulseaudio-dlna
The computer pulseaudio-dlna is running on and your device needs to be in the same network. In uncomplicated home LANs this is normally the case. You can test if other applications are able to find your device, e.g. BubbleUPnP (Android application). If they do it is likely that you are using a firewall / iptables. Try disabling it. If you verified that your firewall is blocking, you should use the
--msearch-port <port>
option and open port 8080/tcp, port 1900/udp and port<port>
/udp. -
The device is successfully instructed to play, but the device never connects to pulseaudio-dlna
Check if your are using a firewall / iptables. If that works, open port 8080/tcp and port 1900/udp.
The device is successfully instructed to play, but the device immediately disconnects after some seconds
Some devices do not stick to the HTTP 1.0/1.1 standard. Since most devices do, pulseaudio-dlna must be instructed by CLI flags to act in a non-standard way.
Adds a faked HTTP Content-Length to HTTP 1.0/1.1 responses. The length is set to 100 GB and ensures that the device would keep playing for months. This is e.g. necessary for the Hame Soundrouter and depending on the used encoder for Sonos devices.
A listed entry means that it was successfully tested, even if there is no specific codec information available.
Device | mp3 | wav | ogg | flac | aac | opus | l16 |
AVM FritzRepeater N/G | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
BubbleUPnP (Android App) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | ✅ |
Cocy UPNP media renderer | ✅ | 🚫 | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 |
D-Link DCH-M225/E | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
DAMAI Airmusic | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Denon AVR-3808 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Denon AVR-X4000 | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Freebox Player Mini (4K) | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Freebox Player (Revolution) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 |
gmrender-resurrect | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Google Chromecast (1st gen) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Google Chromecast Audio | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Hame Soundrouter | ✅1 | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅1 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 |
LG BP550 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Libratone ZIPP | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅ |
Logitech Media Server | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Majik DSM | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Medion P85055 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Naim Mu-So | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ✅ |
Onkyo TX-8050 | ✅ | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ✅ |
Onkyo TX-NR509 | ❔ | ✅ | ❔ | 🚫 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Onkyo TX-NR616 7 | ❔ | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Onkyo TX-NR646 | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Onkyo TX-NR727 7 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Onkyo CR-N755 | ✅8 | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | ❔9 | 🚫 | ✅ |
Oppo Sonica | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅ | ✅ | ❔ | ✅ |
Pi MusicBox | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Panasonic TX-50CX680W | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Panasonic TX-50CX680W | ✅ | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Philips NP2500 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Philips NP2900 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Pioneer SC-LX76 (AV Receiver) | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅ |
Pioneer VSX-824 (AV Receiver) | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Pure Jongo S3 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Raumfeld One M | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | ✅ | ❔ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Raumfeld Speaker M | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Raumfeld Speaker S | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
ROCKI | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
rygel | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
RaidSonic IB-MP401Air | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Samsung Smart TV LED32 (UE32ES5500) | ✅ | 🚫 | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Samsung Smart TV LED40 (UE40ES6100) | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Samsung Smart TV LED46 (UE46ES6715) | ✅ | 🚫 | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | ❔ | 🚫 |
Samsung Smart TV LED48 (UE48JU6560) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ⚪2 | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Samsung Smart TV LED60 (UE60F6300) | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Sonos PLAY:1 | ✅3 | ✅ | ✅3 | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | ❔ |
Sonos PLAY:3 | ✅3 | ✅ | ✅3 | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | ❔ |
Sony SRS-X77 | ✅1 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅1 |
Sony SRS-X88 | ✅1 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅1 |
Sony SRS-ZR5 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 |
Sony STR-DN1050 (AV Receiver) | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Volumio | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Volumio 2 | ✅ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Xbmc / Kodi | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ⚪2 | ⚪2 | ✅ |
Xbox 360 | ✅5 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | ❔ | 🚫 | ✅ |
Yamaha CRX-N560D 4 | ✅ | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | 🚫 | ✅ |
Yamaha RX-475 (AV Receiver) | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
Yamaha RX-V573 (AV Receiver) 6 | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
WDTV Live | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ | ❔ |
1) Works when specifing the --fake-http-content-length
2) Is capable of playing the codec, but does not specifiy the correct mime type
3) Works since 0.4.5 (--fake-http-content-length
is added automatic)
4) The device needs to be in SERVER mode to accept instructions
5) Was reported to buffer really long. Approximately 45 seconds
6) Was reported to have issues being discovered. Make sure you run the latest firmware
7) Reported to need a --request-timeout
of 15 seconds to work. Since 0.5.0 the timeout is set to that value.
8) Stuttering at 256kbit/s and pretty unstable at 320kbit/s
9) The manual states it is supported. No success yet, neither with --fake-http-content-length nor with increased timeout values
Encoder | Description | Identifier |
lame | MPEG Audio Layer III | mp3 |
oggenc | Ogg Vorbis | ogg |
flac | Free Lossless Audio Codec | flac |
sox | Waveform Audio File Format | wav |
opusenc | Opus Interactive Audio Codec | opus |
faac | Advanced Audio Coding | aac |
sox | Linear PCM | l16 |
You can select a specific codec using the --encoder
flag followed by its identifier.