wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.
Instant XKCD-style Graphs created in Javascript D3 for your enjoyment
A Unix-y utility for formatting JSON in a more stream-friendly way
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
A Command Line Inteface for generating Android native apps from open webapps
Encode/decode base64 data into ArrayBuffers
High-performance pure-javascript SHA1 implementation suitable for large binary data, reaching up to half the native speed.
backbone.projections is a set of projections for Backbone.Collection
Build Node.JS servers that don't fall over.
mathbruyen / meetups
Forked from jssophia/meetupsSlides, source code or any other materials from past meetups
Slides for Backbone.js presentation at JSSophia
Slides, source code or any other materials from past meetups
mathbruyen / groovy-core
Forked from groovy/groovy-coreGroovy language core repository mirror from Codehaus.
Plug-and-play BrowserID in Express (caution: more playground than production!)
Plug-and-play BrowserID in Express (caution: more playground than production!)
Aria Templates client-side framework
UMD (Universal Module Definition) patterns for JavaScript modules that work everywhere.
former home of the groovy programming language, moved to
Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js