feat(index.ts): add file system operations to copy the final video to…
feat(index.ts): add file system operations to copy the final video to…
feat(audio.ts, image.ts): add AppConfig for centralized configuration…
feat(audio.ts, image.ts): add AppConfig for centralized configuration…
feat(audio.ts): add volumeUp function to increase audio volume by 10dB
feat(audio.ts): add volumeUp function to increase audio volume by 10dB
feat(package.json): add zod dependency for schema validation
feat(package.json): add zod dependency for schema validation
fix(script.ts): update conversation script request to focus on busine…
fix(script.ts): update conversation script request to focus on busine…
feat(script.ts): add createConversation function to generate meeting …
feat(script.ts): add createConversation function to generate meeting …
feat(index.ts, script.ts): add script generation functionality using …
feat(index.ts, script.ts): add script generation functionality using …
chore(gitignore): update script ignore rules to exclude all scripts e…
chore(gitignore): update script ignore rules to exclude all scripts e…
chore(gitignore): add src/assets/scripts/index.ts to ignore list
chore(gitignore): add src/assets/scripts/index.ts to ignore list
feat(assets): add new audio and image assets for project use
feat(assets): add new audio and image assets for project use
feat(image.ts): add support for review images and update background i…
feat(image.ts): add support for review images and update background i…
feat(image.ts): add index and isReviewing properties to renderCompone…
feat(image.ts): add index and isReviewing properties to renderCompone…
feat(image.ts): add testRenderImage function to facilitate image rend…
feat(image.ts): add testRenderImage function to facilitate image rend…
refactor(audio.ts): remove commented-out code to improve readability
refactor(audio.ts): remove commented-out code to improve readability
refactor(audio.ts, video.ts): comment out console.log statements to r…
refactor(audio.ts, video.ts): comment out console.log statements to r…
feat(audio.ts): make concatAudios function asynchronous and accept dy…
feat(audio.ts): make concatAudios function asynchronous and accept dy…
refactor(index.ts): comment out unused script entries to clean up the…
refactor(index.ts): comment out unused script entries to clean up the…
Force push
refactor(index.ts): comment out unused script entries to clean up the…
refactor(index.ts): comment out unused script entries to clean up the…
feat(index.ts): uncomment additional manuscript scripts to include mo…
feat(index.ts): uncomment additional manuscript scripts to include mo…
feat(image.ts): add new module to create images from manuscripts
feat(image.ts): add new module to create images from manuscripts
feat(package.json): add canvas and puppeteer dependencies for image p…
feat(package.json): add canvas and puppeteer dependencies for image p…
feat(video.ts): add mixAudioAndVideo function to combine audio and vi…
feat(video.ts): add mixAudioAndVideo function to combine audio and vi…
fix(tts.ts): split long Japanese and English sentences into two separ…
fix(tts.ts): split long Japanese and English sentences into two separ…
refactor(index.ts): move TTS functions and text data to a new tts.ts …
refactor(index.ts): move TTS functions and text data to a new tts.ts …
feat(index.ts): import and call concatAudios function to add audio co…
feat(index.ts): import and call concatAudios function to add audio co…
docs: add with installation instructions
docs: add with installation instructions
Force push