- GitHub Staff
- Adelaide, Australia
- 10h30m ahead - @matthewd@mastodon.social
vim-lion Public
Forked from tommcdo/vim-lionA simple alignment operator for Vim text editor
Vim Script UpdatedFeb 5, 2018 -
factory_bot Public
Forked from thoughtbot/factory_botA library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2018 -
rb-inotify Public
Forked from guard/rb-inotifyA thorough inotify wrapper for Ruby using FFI.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 18, 2017 -
vim-vinegar Public
Forked from tpope/vim-vinegarvinegar.vim: combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing
Vim Script UpdatedNov 14, 2017 -
listen Public
Forked from guard/listenThe Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2017 -
vim-ruby Public
Forked from vim-ruby/vim-rubyVim/Ruby Configuration Files
Vim Script UpdatedJul 20, 2017 -
guard Public
Forked from guard/guardGuard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2017 -
thor Public
Forked from rails/thorThor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2017 -
capybara Public
Forked from teamcapybara/capybaraAcceptance test framework for web applications
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2017 -
sprockets Public
Forked from rails/sprocketsRack-based asset packaging system
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2017 -
ruby-coffee-script Public
Forked from rails/ruby-coffee-scriptRuby CoffeeScript Compiler
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2017 -
heap_problem Public
Forked from schneems/heap_problemDemonstrates that a non-retained object is sometimes still present in the heap
Ruby UpdatedDec 3, 2016 -
concurrent-ruby Public
Forked from ruby-concurrency/concurrent-rubyModern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns.
Ruby Other UpdatedNov 10, 2016 -
nokogiri Public
Forked from sparklemotion/nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support.
Java Other UpdatedOct 10, 2016 -
websocket-client-simple Public
Forked from shokai/websocket-client-simpleSimple WebSocket Client on Ruby
rails_autolink Public
Forked from tenderlove/rails_autolinkThe auto_link function from Rails
Ruby UpdatedMay 26, 2016 -
manageiq Public
Forked from ManageIQ/manageiqManageIQ Cloud Management Platform
Ruby Other UpdatedApr 15, 2016 -
actioncable-examples Public
Forked from rails/actioncable-examplesAction Cable Examples
Ruby UpdatedFeb 4, 2016 -
faye-websocket-ruby Public
Forked from faye/faye-websocket-rubyStandards-compliant WebSocket client and server
rubyrep Public
Forked from ManageIQ/rubyrepOpen-source solution for asynchronous, master-master replication of relational databases
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 18, 2016 -
manageiq.org Public
Forked from ManageIQ/manageiq.orgWebsite for the ManageIQ Cloud Management Platform https://github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq
CSS Other UpdatedJan 13, 2016 -
ovirt_metrics Public
Forked from ManageIQ/ovirt_metricsOvirtMetrics is an ActiveRecord-based gem for reading the oVirt History database.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 7, 2016 -
default_value_for Public
Forked from FooBarWidget/default_value_forProvides a way to specify default values for ActiveRecord models
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 7, 2016 -
guides Public
Forked from ManageIQ/guidesManageIQ guides and documentation
Shell UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
miq_tools_services Public
Forked from ManageIQ/miq_tools_servicesShared services for ManageIQ tools and applications
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
omniauth Public
Forked from omniauth/omniauthOmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 23, 2015