NPBench - A Benchmarking Suite for High-Performance NumPy
PyPy is a very fast and compliant implementation of the Python language.
The Classiq Library is the largest collection of quantum algorithms and applications. It is the best way to explore quantum computing software. We welcome community contributions to our Library 🙌
The unofficial GitHub mirror of PyPy (mirrored via
A Python library for reading and writing PDF, powered by QPDF
Machinery for building and testing Python Wheels for Linux, OSX and (less flexibly) Windows.
The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
PyPy binary wheels for some popular packages
Portable 64 bit x86 PyPy binaries for many Linux distributions.
a python framework for hooking pure python functions
A highly customizable DIY irrigation/sprinkler controller based on Raspberry Pi
Step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code based on CFFI. It creates a Python C extension module.
shmuller / matplotlib
Forked from matplotlib/matplotlibmatplotlib: plotting with Python